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  1. S

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    good info teeo. my only question is why do you water so often with the rockwool cubes? I only ask because I have found that in rockwool the magic happens if you let it dry out a little. I am in 4 gallon greentree pots filled with rockwool cubes and I only water 1x per day and that is after week 3.
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    It's A Fuct World

    I would love to hear if 12/1 works. I grow chem hybrids so I am a little hesitant to try it.
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    Chris will also tell you a fulvic acid is worth adding. Personally I am switching back to jacks pro/cal nit/epsom for my next run of wifi's. I like the higher mg and sulpher levels in the jacks. The funny thing about jacks is the shipping cost to california costs almost as much as the nutes.
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    A humic fulvic ammino blend would be work for sure. I only used veg+bloom, ful power and moab.
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    Actually I was asking robotjr for pics. I have been watching your thread Pet and like the progress. Keep it up!
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    Any pictures?
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    jimmy - if you ask chris at hr they will say that veg+bloom has aminoes and silica in it already fwiw Not listed in the ingredients so who knows
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    And you're such a help to the community! I love getting advice from someone on his second grow. First since you were 15 right?
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    Who nominated you defender of roll it up? Haven't seen trolling this bad in awhile. veg+bloom works okay. Not the best not the worst. Let it go and smoke a dab to relax.
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    Agreed. I have used over 5lbs so far this run and still have a few weeks left. The plants love it and that's all that matters to me.
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    I always enjoyed Fatman's info. Following his and other similar threads lead me to mixing my own nutes. A friend recommended veg+bloom and when I saw his finished result I decided to give it a try. More expensive than mixing your own, but much easier to use.
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    I would like to put that in my pipe and smoke it.
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    Petflora, Aren"t those fatman's receipes?
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    If it is okay with cue would you mind sharing your dyna receipe?
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    ++Hellraizers++ DO AND DONTs and in and outs of the ebb&grow/ebb&flow systems

    Great thread HR. Are you in the titan system?
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    Veg and Bloom Grow

    They look great cue!What day are those in? I used 5 grams or 1 tsp per gallon until week 3 of flowering and then drop it down to 3 grams or 3 tsp per 5 gallon week 4. I am in week 5 now and they are rocking. cheers!