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  1. K

    Brown edges on leaves

    Hey everyone, I have three plants on the go right now (wedding cake x bubblegum). I’m growing in 5gl pots with promix hp soil. I’m using advanced nutrients 3 part ph perfect nutes. I’ve noticed that on one of my plants (they’re three wide and this one is in the Center) has started to develop...
  2. K

    Not sure if they hermied or if I’m paranoid

    Awesome thank you, I figured as much but with the stress of the defoliation I was a little nervous. I’m just waiting on those buds to fatten up for another three ish weeks now.
  3. K

    Not sure if they hermied or if I’m paranoid

    So I did some defoliation in about week 3/4 of flower on the lower growth (I know I know it’s a touchy subject). I went and had a look at the plants today and saw some stuff that I’m not too sure about. If I could get a second opinion that would be awesome. I added some photos for reference and...
  4. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    I’ll check the roots and runoff next watering when they dry out again. I did just notice something that may have been part of the culprit... when I switched the light I must have messed the timer up because looking at it this morning I think I’ve been on 24/0... so that’s my fault entirely haha...
  5. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    Yeah the only major change has been the light so far so I’m not sure if it’s just too big of a light for my tent. The tent is only 36x20 and the light is a bloom plus 2500 that puts out 250 watts from the wall. That’s the only thing I can think of when it keeps scorching them. The light is like...
  6. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    I appreciate the help man, it’s been problem after problem this grow which makes no sense because my last grow I didn’t even ph my water or nutes or have a Ppm pen. And it went great, so I don’t know. I fed these ones tonight and gave them a bit of prosilica and medi one. I kept the ppms at 400...
  7. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    I cut some of the dead looking stuff back, and this is about 4 days since that flush. Would you expect them to bounce back any quicker than they have so far? And also when the soil drys out you figure I should go with nutes again or just do plain water?
  8. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    I have my humidity at like 42 and that’s actually up from the 35 I started at. I have a small humidifier but I would rather not use it honestly. And yeah I checked on them this morning and they’re still yellow obvs but they seemed to be praying a little more so time will tell
  9. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    Well I took your advice here and gave them a good flush then fed them some medi one at 400 ppm, and phd to 6.2. So here’s hoping. I also grabbed some stuff foam insulation to put under the tray at the bottom of my tent to get a barrier between the pots and the concrete. Thanks for the help and...
  10. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    I’ll try and cut the cal mag too, play with the ph with just water. Should I cut out the super B +? I was using it because they seemed stressed so I’ve read that it helps with that. I’m also using spring water not RO
  11. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    I can try and just use water for the next couple feedings and see if that works. And I’ll play with the ph levels and feed at 6.4 then 6.2 or something and see if that helps with everything else
  12. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    Thanks for the reply. I do a feed feed water schedule but I add calpro to the mix on water days. And ph is always 6.8 or 6.7 since seed so I’m not sure why there would be a lockout The soil is Dutch treat plain potting soil from my local hydro store so no added anything as far as I know
  13. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    I can definitely get the pots raised a bit off the floor here. It’s around 20C in the tent but in my basement it’s hard to get it much warmer than that. Humidity is at 45 percent
  14. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    Thanks for the reply. I do a feed feed water schedule but I add calpro to the mix on water days. And ph is always 6.8 or 6.7 since seed so I’m not sure why there would be a lockout or what to do about it if there is. As for the purple stems it’s a mix of blueberry and pk, and my last grow with...
  15. K

    Light stress or magnesium def?!?

    Hey guys, so I posted a while ago and thought I kind of figured it out but the problem has persisted. Basically I was growing under a red and blue (blurple) king led 1200 that pull about 230 watts from the wall. I switched to the bloom plus 2500 with more of a white light that pull 250 watts...
  16. K

    Crown royale

    I raised the light and dimmed it a bit now. It’s at about 20-25 percent now and 24 inches from the tops of the plants. Do you think changing from the blurple to the full spectrum could have anything to do with it?
  17. K

    Crown royale

    I did just switch from the king led 1200 to the bloom plus 2500. I used the adjustment knob and brought it down to around 25 percent I believe now. I’ll up the ph next watering and see what happens. Thanks for the insight!!
  18. K

    Crown royale

    So I’ve been growing these for about a month now and I’ve ran into a few problems already. I was over watering to start with so I believe I’ve corrected that and I’m now watering every three days but now I’m seeing a lot of light green growth so this morning when I fed them I added some more...