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  1. R

    Looking for opinions

    Saying fans that get large? Thanks for the info wasn’t too sure on how thick the canopy is getting. As for my manifold I topped the 3rd node, topped the next two at the second and then a final time for 8 mains. I allowed branches to catch up to the canopy by keeping the mains tied down so it’s...
  2. R

    Looking for opinions

    manifolds are new to me I usually opt for SOG. Peoples opinions on defoliating the canopy more to remove shade from lower branches considering the bottom 1/4 are nearly stripped bare.
  3. R

    Defoliation, done right?

    OR should I leave those crowns under the canopy shaded considering how many tops I already have, like 12 mains on each plant
  4. R

    Defoliation, done right?

    What do you guys think. Have these plants been defoliated correctly. Concerns on the top canopy’s being too crowded. What leaves should I target now? Is it okay to strip a branch main ‘cola’ of its largest fan leaves? Btw these are in day 14 after changing to 12/12
  5. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    Ideal ppm for late veg? Some dude said 600 but that seems next to nothing
  6. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    Dape explain your leaching process. I’ve genuinely never heard that term but this is the first time I’m turning to the internet for answers, I guess I’m a noob to everyone’s here
  7. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    I jumped to n tox because the clawing on lead tips here’s some photos without the led off. I test my ph and ppm before I add nutes and after. I don’t test the ph of run off but I do ppm.. run off is lower at the begging of the week and before I flush it’s close to 1800. I’ve gathered im not...
  8. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    So nitrogen toxicity is what I’m looking at. Thank you for the info so what others suggest is about 500ppm, just that then flush for the crop. Should I flush before flower Im planning on giving them another few weeks at most then flipping them
  9. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    If ppm Is too high does that mean too much nitrogen for the clawing
  10. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    Don’t flush coco with ph 7 tap water? I try to do it once a week
  11. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    Without the led? I have seen people complain before on other threads
  12. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    Thought higher the better for ppm if it can handle it. I usually allow 3-4 days for the pot to dry out. Close to the weight of a completely dry coco pot. I do judge by picking it up though
  13. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    Oh and that’s taken like 5 hours after lights on so yeah man wtf
  14. R

    Thin lime growth, tips clawing down

    Hello peers. I’ll get straight to it since everyone hasn’t things to do. My girls are just over a month old and showing they’re sex, great!! I’ve noticed a recent problem and I think it will be calcium deficiency. Hope so anyway. Specs are im growing in 70/30% coco/perlite. I use ionic grow for...