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  1. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Thanks! I was thinking somewhere in the region of a 1/4 cup as well. AACT is a bit of a push as I don't have a bubbler currently but I have microbes and other fermented extracts I could add. Thanks for the suggestion. How would Biobloom be as my fast acting source of phosphorous given that I...
  2. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Thank you for this. Okay so 50L is perhaps 13 trade gallons give or take. So that would amount to 13 table spoons or 195ml of Dolomite Lime. It seems a bit much some how. I think I will start with a bit less as the acidity might just be concentrated at the top layer because of the bat guano.
  3. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Thanks for the recommendation. Perhaps I can pick up some calcitic lime in a few days but for now I have to work with the micronised dolomite I have.
  4. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Okay thanks for the advice. What do you reckon constitutes a little bit? I have A very fine powdered (micronised) dolomite. Plant pot is 50L. I was thinking perhaps 100ml?
  5. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    The soil in not Peat based. It may have been the bat guano I added. Funny that perhaps in trying to provide abundant phosphorus I ended up locking it out.
  6. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Okay so my soil PH is reading between 5.8-5.9. I suppose that is problematic for Phosphorus and Calcium. (For soil PH test I took about a table spoon of soil from around the edge to about an inch depth and stirred into some distilled water. let it sit for half an hour and just took a reading...
  7. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Thanks for your feedback too! Like I said to jimihendrix1 I'll be double checking soil PH shortly. I'm always a bit unsure with the feed levels at this stage in the grow. One of the plants for instance is getting some clawing on new leaf growth lower down around the bud sites which to me is...
  8. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Thanks for all of this input. I have been giving the plant nitrogen via Biogrow (1m/L every watering) and the top dress 3 weeks back that had seabird guano in it. Top dress also contained Gypsum, dolomite lime and calcitic lime RE Calcium and Magnesium. Additional Magnesium boost via epsom...
  9. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Yeah, I wonder if there's something to that. I have been adjusting my watering PH to 6.3-6.5, but perhaps there is something in the soil bring the PH down. I was using this high potassium ffj (banana peel/molasses tea) which had a low PH and perhaps I overdid it a touch and has built up in the...
  10. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    I agree that it is more similar, but that is only one of the leaves which is also a little drained of nitrogen. Septoria spots typically show up with more pronounced yellowing immeditately around the edges each spot. On mine, that is not the case and possibly even the opposite. On most of the...
  11. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Thanks for your reply jimihendrix1! I looked into Leaf Septoria and it seems that in general that condition appears a bit more spotty with more circular spots. It also seems to be usually a result of high moisture/humidity. The conditions here are very dry and often windy. Most of the...
  12. S

    Possible phosphorus deficiency? Pls help diagnosing!

    Hey folks, Here's the situation: I have 4 plants growing outdoors here in South Africa. 3-4 weeks into flower. All the plants are generally in good health but lower fan leaves are progressively yellowing and falling off as expected some faster some slower. One plant though is showing signs of a...