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  1. S

    Replant Runt of the Litter???

    bump.... And yes this is a hydro setup...
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    Replant Runt of the Litter???

    Hes my situation.. Have 2 plants about 2 feet taller then my runt. The taller ones are taking all of its light away.. The leaves are starting to droop, however, its is showing female signs so i want to keep it.. Can I put this runt back into veg until the others are done flowering without...
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    Bid Bud Strain

    NL vote here..
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    The Earliest Possible Harvest...

    i put mine in the oven at about 175 for 30 mins. Flipping the bud after 15 mins. (Depending on size of bud)
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    The Earliest Possible Harvest...

    I agree.. Ive been picking some small NL buds off my first grow (probably around week 5). Bud was a little harsh, but the high was great and no headache. I recommend trying some just to experience it. Just dont butcher your plant. ;-)
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    most potent indica?

    Im just about ready to harvest a NL plant (9 weeks flowering). It was my first grow.. However the size difference between my Sativa plant (bag seed) and the NL Indica is tremendous. Even though the Sativa plant is about 3 weeks behind due to its longer flowering cycle , i just cant see the buds...
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    Tips On How To Trim Bud When Harvesting?

    Thankyou sir for the quick response. Thats exactly what i was wondering about. The small furry leaves.. When I harvest next week, I will cut flush as suggest.. Thanks again..
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    Tips On How To Trim Bud When Harvesting?

    First grow.. Northern Lights. 7th week of flowering. Indoor Hydro. Dumb question perhaps, but are there any vids or info on exactly what we should cut off and what to keep? Some say to cut all leaves off the bud. Some say to just trim them down.. Any help or clarification would be...
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    Timer shut off accidently during flowering.

    Didnt notice until i checked this morning. Pretty sure it was only one night. (Was rewiring the day before). How badly will 1 day of light shock the plant? Its about 2 1/2 weeks into flowering.. Plant is Northern Lights.
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    How many times can you flower the same plant?

    First grow from seed. Close to starting the flowering cycle. Was wondering if I should take a clone now or if possible, flower, re-veg and clone, then flower again. Any ideas would be appreciated..
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    Hip Hop is dead

    Hip Hop isnt dead as my man posted above. COMMERCIAL Hip Hop is dying. And who really cares about that? Its fucking up the real stuff anyway. Rakim should be pushing some stuff out. Wu is doing another album. For you old schoolers like me, the latest KRS-1 album is nice.. Guru has some new...
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    Fan/Ventilation (How to Light Proof?)

    Was wondering how some deal with light proofing their fans. Do you use vent covers? Black Screening? I want to make sure no light is getting in at all. Any suggestion would be appreciated..