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  1. O

    Advice on what to do

    Just got them today without history. All i know is they wer not cared for. I can flip into new dark pots an feed nutes starting today. What light cycle should i run, i have 300w l.e.d.
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    Advice on what to do

    Hi all, my question is. Are these still able to grow, i have been given these from a mate as clones an would like to see something from them. I know they need a repot. If so then what would need to be done to keep them on the right track. Or am i wasting time. I dont like to waste what nature...
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    Why this looks this way

    Any idea why my leafs look the way they do, yellow-brown in colour
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    Can i re-vegg

    Please elaborate if yah dont mind
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    Can i re-vegg

    Can be sure as i just got it today as is, still learning myself.
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    Can i re-vegg

    I think i may have cut flower wrong, could you tell me if i did the right thing here as in picture
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    Can i re-vegg

    Hi all, can i re-vegg this plant. I was givin this today to look after for a friend. If so, then based on my current 1st grow an what ive learnt so far, is it recommended i cut the top flower before re-vegg. Or should i leave as is an continue growing as normal. Not sure what stage its at...
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    Red steams an leaf problem

    I would somewhat agree with I would somewhat agree with you on this as i have not checked my PH level, that is one thing i know i went wrong on. Regards to over watering, i do not think that would be an issue as ive been fine with this over the past few week, safe to say i can eliminate that...
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    Red steams an leaf problem

    Looks like im pulling the blade out. Thanks mate
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    Red steams an leaf problem

    Do you think i should cut the fan leaf off, theres a few like such but not as bad as the one shown in picture
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    Red steams an leaf problem

    Can someone tell me how to fix my steam issues, i over fed my plant to much nutes, next day i tryed flushing with water an then my leafs started going crisp an yellow, the upper steams are dark in red as showen but the lower is not as strong in red as top
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    Spider Mite advice

    Thanks for that guys, i will try all as mentioned an see what works best.
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    Spider Mite advice

    Not sure on the Solution, i purchased it from my local grow lite store. It did work for first few days. Ive been watching over it an most seem to be coming from out the soil an none under any of the leafs
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    Spider Mite advice

    Thanks mate, i will try the fellowing advice
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    Spider Mite advice

    Hi there, i am 4th week into flowering phase. Ive sprayed spider mite solution twice over plant an it did control it to a point. Five days later an im finding 6 or so a day. Is this Bad to find that may. I will cotinue to spray.
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    What stage am i into grow

    I wanted to change pot an soil, however ive read that its not a good thing to do this far in
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    What stage am i into grow

    Im not sure on on strain, i was giving plant an all by an ex-inlaw who i no longer talk to. I wanted to continue the grow an learn what i can as i go
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    What stage am i into grow

    Colud you tell me if this plant looks healthy based on pictures, im feeding it Elements Bloom product an under a 12/12 light cycle.
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    What stage am i into grow

    Hi there i am new to this with lots of interest, I was giving this plant as in picture an a 600wtt l.e.d setup by inlaw. My question is what stage am i into the grow. Ive had it 4weeks now, also one leaf has a patch of white as in picture and tip of leafs curl. Thanks for help in advance.