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  1. hootie233

    Selling to Dispensaries in Colorado?

    Hey there my friends, can anyone tell me anything about selling my own grown weed at a dispensary? Me and 3 other people were considering growing and then selling the harvest to help pay off some bills. Thanks again, any help is great!
  2. hootie233

    Aerogarden + Lowryder #2 + timelapse

    damn nice video! extra props for using vimeo and not youtube!
  3. hootie233

    When should I start to flush my plants?

    I know that there are dozens of other posts and articles about when to tell when your weed is ready to harvest but too many of them have conflicting ideas. I dont know what to decide on, the hair color or the trichomes. I really just wanted a fellow aerogardener's opinion. the hairs for the...
  4. hootie233

    HELP with nutes I found in my garage

    Sweet thanks, Does it matter that this powder is for soil and i have a hydro system?
  5. hootie233

    HELP with nutes I found in my garage

    I dont know much about nutrients or what the 3 numbers even mean, but i found some rose plus nutrients 19-24-24 in my garage that my parents used at one time. Would this stuff at all help my aerogarden grow? Keep in mind that all im using right now are the regular aerogarden nutrients. I am...
  6. hootie233

    How to: Outdoor Solar/Thermal powered hydro setup

    I saw this online and thought it was sick, even if i dont grow the majestic reefer bud in it i can get some veggies this summer! you could easily put a 2L bottle on top and make it happen. or
  7. hootie233

    How to make super cheap solar/thermal powered hydro system

    I saw this online and thought it was sick, even if i dont grow the majestic reefer bud in it i can get some veggies this summer! or
  8. hootie233

    1st closet grow Diesel ryder in AG

    Whats your light situation? what are you using?
  9. hootie233

    Lower leaves curling under, lighter color of green

    for now? because they have been like this for at least 3 weeks
  10. hootie233

    Lower leaves curling under, lighter color of green

    Yep as the title says, i dont think it has anything to do with nutes or ph or anything like that because the exact same strain next to it is fine. Leaves that are even getting direct light will tend to react this way also Are these leaves just too old. Im currently flowering, should i clip them?
  11. hootie233

    Few updated pics of aerograrden grow

    ah never mind
  12. hootie233

    Few updated pics of aerograrden grow

    did you use fishing line ?
  13. hootie233

    Aerogarden seed pods

    there is no store near you? thats weak, check ebay possibly, You dont want any light to touch the sponge, it will create slimy mold. After a few days i just loosely wrapped some tin foil around the stock of my plant
  14. hootie233

    weed beer

    o man good question, im almost positive it can be done, my friend made ganja ice cream, i just dont really know what ingredients are in beer. Google that shit, im sure it can be done, good luck
  15. hootie233

    Aerogarden seed pods

    call up your local hydroponic/organic grow store and see if they have the pods, I made the mistake of payin the 20 bucks and they only give you 3 pods, such a rip off, you can get them for like 80 cents each at a grow store
  16. hootie233

    Question For all fellow growers

    you can get all sorts of grow stuff on craigslist, usually pretty cheap but i guess bulbs like that get weaker over time so let the buyer beware.
  17. hootie233

    Screen of Green ScOG Method? Help?

    well they are long rectuangular holes, i got my grate from a mini refridgerator, they are about half inch wide and like 10 inches long. Is the main goal of screen growing just to push the buds away and basically just keep it under that height? Cuz ive seen pics of the buds growing through and...
  18. hootie233

    Finally my first AG grow journal

    so im kinda confused, should i be tying down the buds near the top?
  19. hootie233

    Silver lining?

    I went to autozone and got a big mylar windsheild reflector for like 8 bucks, it works great cuz you can completly wrap it around your garden, no instalation required
  20. hootie233

    Finally my first AG grow journal

    tie down the biggest buds? Is my main goal to basically make them do a 180 and start growing towards the ground?