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  1. D

    Plants are not looking well

    I did the dolomite lime for the calcium - magnesium. Should I just use Cal-Mag instead? Ill spray today with some Neem oil.
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    Plants are not looking well

    But this all started before I top dressed anything.
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    Plants are not looking well

    Im growing Indoors, watering about once a week in Fox Farms Ocean Forest. This plant Sprouted on 4/23 so just over 5 weeks old, In veg stage. I transplanted her on 5/3 into the 5 gallon pot. Plant thrived up until about 9 days ago I started to see some deficiency. I did a tea and top dressed...
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    Male or Female Plant

    Because I wasn't seeing any pistols and all my other plants are showing white pistols, and thought I might have seen balls there. I will give this Hopefully girl a lil more time. Thanks for your reply :)
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    Male or Female Plant

    So im new to growing, Bought some Fem seeds online, but i think this one might be male. It's 8 days into flower. should i give it more time to tell? Is this a male?
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    Need Advice on Fertilizer for Top Dressing

    Good stuff, thank you!
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    Need Advice on Fertilizer for Top Dressing

    it does? I didnt see it on the listed on the analysis. NITROGEN TOTAL (N) 5.0% 0.4% Water Soluble Nitrogen 4.6% Water Insoluble Nitrogen AVAILABLE PHOSPHATE (P2O5) 4.0% SOLUBLE POTASH (K2O) 2.0% Derived from: Fish Bone Meal, Fish Meal, Alfalfa Meal, Crab Meal, Shrimp Meal, Langbeinite, and...
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    Need Advice on Fertilizer for Top Dressing

    Thanks, I was leaning towards that. Should I supplement anything for Calcium and magnesium?
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    Need Advice on Fertilizer for Top Dressing

    Sorry I already have my soil, just looking for advice on Down to Earth fert.
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    Need Advice on Fertilizer for Top Dressing

    Hey All, Im doing my first soil grow. I just transplanted my babies into 5 gallon fabric pots of Ocean Forest/ Happy Frog. In about 2-3 weeks ill have to top dress. Im growing Photoperiods, not autos. I plan on only top dressing for Veg once and then flipping into flower once the food starts...