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  1. M

    xn you understand your imagination game

    Answer 1: nature walks. Answer 2: the dude before me was talking about near future, and I was thinking 'what month will it be in 3 months' it will be April. Which means spring. And then I thought of all the shit that happens in April. Then I thought of spring again and how that means outdoor...
  2. M

    Do you have guard dog's?

    i prefer cats hahaha. my cat goes nuts if you get near my shit. it's weird. other than that, she's pretty chill. I think she may be half retarded though. no lie.
  3. M


    hmm never played Wow before, but my cousin does. I'm more of a CoD/anything xbox360 that doesn't suck, girl. hah. and guitar hero hahahahaha. I remember the first time i tried to play stoned as a bitch. 6 blunts deep by 11 a.m. and i REALLY thought i still had the capabilities of hand-eye...
  4. M

    I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

    thanks. that tends to happen after you life has been filled with many...umm... "enlightening" experiences hahaha.
  5. M

    My mom & weed

    Yeah. My mom caught me this summer a few times. I got real sloppy. She flushed the O down the shitter and I flipped. It was in the middle of a drought too and this bud was primo! And she did it while I was out of the house. We got into a huge fight because that was like the 4th time she'd done...
  6. M

    I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

    I lost mine twice... Unfortunately. The first time I was 13 and only wanted to have sex because my mom told me not to. Hahaha. It was at a friend's house, in THEIR bed with mass people at the house. We got about 5 minutes deep, broke the bed, and had to stop because we THOUGHT his parents...