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  1. J

    Do these need bigger pots?

    Please don't curse me! Haha. They're apparently 9-10 week strain, according to the seedbank. (Which from what I've read is worth sweet FA). I have a pic from the 27th of Oct and it looks like I was just getting pistils. So I most likely changed the light on the 24th. Do they look like they're...
  2. J

    Do these need bigger pots?

    Thank you for the replies, info & kind words! Beautiful looking plants all who have posted pics! I will just leave them be, unless I'm finding watering once a day isn't enough. In that case, I have no idea what I will do as I'm not home enough to give them another water while the lights are on...
  3. J

    Do these need bigger pots?

    Thank you all for your input. I see it's not going to be clear cut and dry, so all advice is appreciated :) Thanks again guys
  4. J

    Do these need bigger pots?

    Thank you for your reply. Will I see a negative impact because of this?
  5. J

    Do these need bigger pots?

    Hi guys, Just wondering if these plants are going to NEED bigger pots or not? Was trying to keep them small in these 1 gallon pots, but they're a bit bigger than what I was hoping. No problems so far apart from having to water daily. For ref, I think they're 2 weeks or so on flower and in...
  6. J

    Do my buds look ok?

    Yeah man, when I water they're super dry. And I'm watering once a day. They're big plants in 2.5 gal pots and in coco. I have given nutrients again and am hoping to see some improvements soon. If not I'm going to have to pull them as my vegging plants are getting way too big
  7. J

    Do my buds look ok?

    Thank you for your input bro. Considering doing a grow with one plant flushed and one unplugged just to see if there's any difference
  8. J

    Do my buds look ok?

    Thank you, could it be under watering? My plants are quite large for the pot size they're in and need watering daily. (Probably multi times a day too) I'd like your post but I have no idea how, haha. Cute cat!
  9. J

    Do my buds look ok?

    For sure bro, this is my first run so I'm still learning about what works for me (&the climate) and what doesn't. So far, I'm not the biggest fan as it seems I flushed too early or something. I did want to get a headstart on the cure if possible as I live in a super hot climate
  10. J

    Do my buds look ok?

    I read somewhere it starts breaking down chlorophyll, shortening the time needed to cure
  11. J

    Do my buds look ok?

    Thanks for your input brother. Hmm I'll look into what the causes could be. Do you know of any causes? Nutrient or pH related?
  12. J

    Do my buds look ok?

    Hahahaha! I am a long time lurker!
  13. J

    Do my buds look ok?

    Hi all, First grow, bagseed started flushing a week ago. Thinking about harvesting soon. Do they look ok? Smokeable? Thank you for any input!