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  1. specialbrownie

    Stoned Pets

    never got a pet high. i want to though :)
  2. specialbrownie

    first time getting stoned

    7th grade. my friend had a bit of weed and weed packed a bowl in the cemetary on the tombstone. and went home. i saw a fat chick on the way back and i couldnt stop laughing. now, i smoke everyday. mary jane and i, we are lovers.
  3. specialbrownie

    Fun Things to Do When Stoned

    Listen to "hey" or "where is my mind" by the pixies. isane. takes you to a different world. remember to close your eyes the entire time otherwise its not as fun. and also, walking around the city is fun too. sometimes i get lost.
  4. specialbrownie

    So if i get caught

    i got caught with weed and a pipe. a slap on the wrist. nothing happened. knock on wood.
  5. specialbrownie

    Force Your Plant Female???Is It Possible

    wait a little. maybe 2-3 weeks.
  6. specialbrownie

    plant problems ( with pic`s)

    thanks . i think i was just putting my light too close. it turned a light brown now i raised the light, and they are fine! 120 hps 2 inches from top. not a good idea ! raise to at least 6!
  7. specialbrownie

    the DEA is so full of shit skim over it u'll see what i mean

    haha. addiction. haha. thats mad funny. brb. gotta go packa bowl.