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  1. H

    23 old days

    but today it s her 23th day and it is look like that .. i tranplant it ito bigger pot and better soil it is look like better but still show some deffencies ph soil : 6.3 ph water :6.5 yesterday first time i give her nitruents : Algoflash : 6.4.6 ( 0.4ml / 1.5l ) any advices please ?
  2. H

    19 old days plant

    yes it was 19 days old but today it s her 23th day and it is look like that .. i tranplant it ito bigger pot and better soil it is look like better but still show some deffencies ph soil : 6.3 ph water :6.5 yesterday first time i give her nitruents : Algoflash : 6.4.6 ( 0.4ml / 1.5l )
  3. H

    19 old days plant

    i am thinking to transplant it into a bit bigger pot wih the new soil that i bought , because my actually soil i think is not really good , maybe i will give her just a little nutrients ( tomato felitrized ) . some advices about the transplant operation ? i dont wanna loose this plant for real
  4. H

    19 old days plant

    yes we have , okey thank you so much , tomorrrow i go to buy it , some advices about the amount of nutrients that i should give for the next week ?
  5. H

    19 old days plant

    yes thats why i cover it they told me that but late , so i cover it
  6. H

    19 old days plant

    yes i can see the roots from down , are not too much, just i let you know that my current pot is a 1/3 bottle of water i cut it, and for the moment i can see the roots down arround , its 19 days old only , i thought for 19 days t sould be bigger the plan , but stuff dosnt o good i think , maybe...
  7. H

    19 old days plant

    as nutrients , tomato felitrzed is okey please ?
  8. H

    19 old days plant

    yes you are right bro , i did alrready some research , i thought its enought , but its not , i bought allready new soil , ights is okey , but about the nutrients i was asking a lot what nurients can i use
  9. H

    19 old days plant

    yes thank you for answering all of you brothers , i will transplant it tomorrow or after then , i will wait the soil to get dry cause i just water it , some advices about the transplant operation please ?
  10. H

    19 old days plant

    that what i think that my actually sil is bad , i bought allready a new frensh soil ( NPK soil ) and i am thinking to transplant it tomorrow into a little bigger pot with the new soil do you think its key ?
  11. H

    19 old days plant

    okey, tank you , i will do it gentele then , thank you for help , and what do you think , can i transplant it into bigger pot now ? its 19 old days
  12. H

    19 old days plant

    thank you , its 19 days old , its okey to transplant it now ?
  13. H

    19 old days plant

    not yet , i never feed her, i am thinking tomorrow i go to buy ssome nutrients , but i let you know that in my country there is no grow sop speciall for cannabis, its only normal grow shop what you advice me to do , about this plant please
  14. H

    19 old days plant

    not yet , i never feed her, i am thinking tomorrow i go to buy ssome nutrients , but i let you know that in my country there is no grow sop speciall for cannabis, its only normal grow shop what you advice me to do , about this plant please
  15. H

    19 old days plant

    Hello great community , its my first time growing cannabis plant its 19 days old , critical feminized from royal queen seeds i give her 24 hours lights , 8-9 hours per day under sun ( i live in sunny and warm country ) and under 4 cfl lights 23 w ( 90w all ) PH water is 6.5 i water it 2-3...