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  1. M

    Mishka, Cool New Reggae Artist

    I just heard a couple songs by this new reggae artist Mishka and was really impressed. Its been a while since I’ve found a good new reggae artist, or any other sort of band that plays chill music so I figured I’d spread the word a bit. He’s got an album called “Above The Bones” coming out...
  2. M

    Bump The Munchies!

    Peanut Butter Captain Crunch is a classic go to choice If you live in LA and can get to a Roscoe's Chicken and Waffle, nothing beats it
  3. M

    Anyone listen to real music?

    I completely agree. I do like a fair amount of rap/hip-hop myself but for the most part don't listen to it when I smoke. A lot of my friends always want to listen to rap when they smoke and I have never understood that. For me I like listening to some of the more mellow classic rock, jam...
  4. M

    Johnny Cash Remixed Album

    My friend just sent me a remix of “I Walk The Line” remixed by Snoop Dogg. (and Apparently the Johnny Cash Remixed album was released this past Tuesday (Jan. 27th). It’s definitely different, but I kind of dig it. I also saw a video for it of “Folsom...
  5. M

    Just called the Whitehouse and Pelosi.

    mmm very interesting.
  6. M

    house repubs say noooo?

    mmm... interesting thread.
  7. M

    new song from lil waynes rock album

    i like his new stuff a lot.
  8. M

    Headphones are the best invention ever!

    it's true i agree.