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  1. heyman12

    Emergency help plz!!!!

    damn i thought it was the opposite of nute burn cuase i hadnt added any nutes untill like 2 days ago when they originally started to look yellowed, also im lookin to pick up a ph tester and was wonderin if its better to get a soil ph tester or just a regular one to check the water
  2. heyman12

    PLZ HELP!! 1st grow plant problems *PICS*

    so does anybody test the soil ph? or is the water ph more important? also is there any decent tester that can tell you how much N P K is in your soil for under $100?
  3. heyman12

    Emergency help plz!!!!

    hello! please help i have many plant problems and they appear to be dying, this is my first time and i have no idea what im doing really, im useing 5 26 watt cfls constant fan 24 hour light, tap water that sits 24 hours, and they are in organic potting soil, avrg temp 79-83 deg F, with about 26%...
  4. heyman12

    PLZ HELP!! 1st grow plant problems *PICS*

    my plants have been growing pretty decently up untill now and i havent gave them any nutes untill yesturday i have a 12-4-8 liqua-feed miracle grow. im not sure how much to give them tho becuase its supposed to be hooked up to a sprayer so last night when i watered them i gave them a couple...
  5. heyman12

    First CFL grow, wut u think * PICS*

    what brand/model would u reccomend cuase i picked up[ a cheapy at Lowes and the needle never even moved!!! i was so mad so i dont wana get burned again
  6. heyman12

    First CFL grow, wut u think * PICS*

    ya im gonna try n get my timer goin and give the 18-6 a shot, also i belive they are just about 3 weeks, i could be off by a half week or so ethir way tho i never really figured out when i planted em, andalso wonderin where to get a ph tester that actually works for under 30 bucks if possible
  7. heyman12

    First CFL grow, wut u think * PICS*

    this is ma first time i got 3 lovley ladies going (knock on wood) usin 5 26w 6500k cfls (strategically placed of course) about to pick up some 40 watt 2700's for flowerin just usin tap water that sits, 24 hour ligth cycle, constant fan havent gave nutes yet but i got some miracle grow 12-4-8...
  8. heyman12

    UK/england weed!!

    u r not smart , no one will sell you weed on the internet FOOL
  9. heyman12

    1st timer CFL grow journal

    how old are they