av not got my ph meter delivered yet only using the soulution and chart . my babys were grown in soil for 4 weeks then transferred to dwc around 4 days ago so around 4/5 weeks now but with a lot of stress lol .
all rite flo your babys are looking amazing m8 :)
thats all my dwc up and running finally got my ppm meter today (confusing thing ) it says my tape water is only 40ppm ha ha ha i was expecting +100 al post a wee pick for ya once i feed them latter .
oh found 2 males (both blue cheese) so only...
ha ha a fella a know done that but he was na so lucky he killed all 10 o his plants he was pissed of th say the least .
i allways keep a few small sticky boards around my grow to prevent anything getting close to them .
if your looking for a large yeild with good smoke you should try critical mass ..............
seen really good grows with this strain . i will be doing them in next few weeks .
hows the new unit broke ?
wow flogrow those babys are looking amazing m8 .
really envious lol
thats all my gear here apart from ppm meter . but my air pump is cause vibrations that you can here in othere rooms tryin to sort that out the now .
your babys are looking dam fine m8 :)
i got my boxes ,nutes (canna), rockwool , clay pellets now just waiting for the rest o my stuff in post cant wait .a got 5 babys in soil at min thinking of moving over 2 to the dwc once the set up is here .
hi foke av just went and bought canna vega a+b .
does any one have good or bad points about these nutes ?
any info is much appreciated ?
oh has any one got a feeding chart thing ? al be runing dwc if that makes a difference
think i might try 2 of these and see how it goes what use think ?
heres link http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=270627558734&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT