Search results

  1. GreenGrrrl

    Stone Knitter's first CFL grow!

    Congrats!! I can't wait to see your next grow!
  2. GreenGrrrl

    Stone Knitter's first CFL grow!

    Good luck!! I'd hate to see you have to cut short your grow!
  3. GreenGrrrl

    California to legalize!

    Please Californians go to and e-mail your state representatives. Tell them you support this bill and they should too. Norml walks you through the process and gives you the contact info. Get the word out to everyone you know who lives in California. If this passes and is...
  4. GreenGrrrl

    Stone Knitter's first CFL grow!

    Nice-looking grow! +rep I'm subscribed and look forward to seeing your harvest. BTW I am also a knitter/fiber enthusiast! Nice to see other fiber geeks on here! Are you on Ravelry at all??
  5. GreenGrrrl

    Yeah for another stoner knitter!!! I mostly spin, but I knit quite a bit too. I started watching...

    Yeah for another stoner knitter!!! I mostly spin, but I knit quite a bit too. I started watching your grow...good luck!!
  6. GreenGrrrl

    Movies That Only Makes Sense When You Are High.

    I think seeing Naked Lunch high would scar me for life!!! I love the movie, but don't think I could watch it stoned! Zombie movies however are my favorite!!!!!! I especially love the bad, old or cheesy ones when I'm blazed! Speaking of zombies...Max Brooks came to my college a few years...
  7. GreenGrrrl

    Newb's Own First Grow - AK-47s

    Congrats Leggo!!I can't wait to see the next grow! I hope you also post pics of the hash you make from the girls....and of course the final dried buds! :)
  8. GreenGrrrl

    GreenGrrrl's Intro

    Thanks! We smoked last night and it was by far one of the most amazing times I've smoked ever. Absence makes the heart grow fonder I guess. It was just so sweet to taste my beloved mj again! I topped a bowl of some nice bud with some keif I've saved up in my pollinator. Couldn't see any green...
  9. GreenGrrrl

    Movies That Only Makes Sense When You Are High.

    Xanadu!!!! It is one of the craziest most prophetic things ever!! It fortold the next 30 years!!! Crazy, crazy stuff!! The more you watch it the more references you'll see.
  10. GreenGrrrl

    Fuck - i miss smoking!!!

    I was just in that situation but I found out today that the place that laid me off is switching me to another department. I am of course celebrating tonight and it is sooooo sweet!! Just keep thinking of how great that first smoke after so long will be! Good luck!!
  11. GreenGrrrl

    GreenGrrrl's Intro

    The Inn that I was working inn moved me to a different department!! I was working in housekeeping but they switched all the housekeepers except the manager to "As Needed" status. Essentially we were laid off without being officially laid off. They recently hired a girl to cover 4 days at...
  12. GreenGrrrl

    11th week flower lotsw of pictures!!!

    Congrats on the harvest total!! Looking forward to seeing your clones!
  13. GreenGrrrl

    Best Game While Stoned!

    Audiosurf is amazing after smoking. I really miss it now that I have my Mac. They need to make a Mac compatible version! Any old school SNES game is amazing, but MarioKart is especially awesome!
  14. GreenGrrrl

    GreenGrrrl's Intro

    Thanks for the welcome Mr. Sm:)es!! My current apartment doesn't lend itself to covert growing unfortunately.:-( I look forward to the day that I can grow my own meds and I'd love to be a caregiver for others once Med MJ reaches my state. Until then I'm learning all I can. When that day comes...
  15. GreenGrrrl

    GreenGrrrl's Intro

    Yeah pyro, that's the way I feel about it too, but I didn't want to overstep any boundaries. :) Thanks for the friend add!!
  16. GreenGrrrl

    GreenGrrrl's Intro

    Thanks pyro. Most of my pain is emotional so I'm not sure if that'd be appropriate for that thread or not. I posted about my chronic psychological suffering on this thread: So I won't get into it here. That said I...
  17. GreenGrrrl

    Depression & Marijuana

    Just about the same situation here. Major depressive disorder with severe suicidal thoughts, severe anxiety disorder, dissociation, panic attacks, insomnia, cluster headaches (migraines every day for months at a time). I've suffered for about 12 years. Smoking once a week was keeping me...
  18. GreenGrrrl

    GreenGrrrl's Intro

    Thanks for the welcome! I love your avatar! I need to get something whipped up that's more personal than the preset. :-D
  19. GreenGrrrl

    GreenGrrrl's Intro

    Thank you pyro! Nice to meet someone who is a med user. Peace.
  20. GreenGrrrl

    Can one be gay and not know it?

    Yes, you can be GLBTQ(etc.) and not consciously know it. In my opinion and experience, on some deep level a person knows their sexuality, but for whatever reason (usually stigma/fear), they don't admit it to themselves, or don't allow themselves to believe it. That said, sexual definitions and...