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  1. D

    All organic soil grow- Rainbow belts and samoas

    Day 40: have stopped giving them myco amendments with feeding. Hoping to put on a little more weight, but the nugs are already are starting to have a nice density.
  2. D

    A newbie to organics

    I Agree^ You have nothing to worry about Native
  3. D

    A newbie to organics

    Also, my friend sitting next to me says phosphorus deficiency or blockout....and I would agree only if those leaves start to crinkle up in the next couple days. Cheers
  4. D

    A newbie to organics

    To be honest the plants look great. You can force a lot of strains to purple with that type of temperature difference between night and day. In late flower. That doesn’t look black, its looks purple when I zoom in. Unless you start to see those same leaves drying up and getting crispy on the...
  5. D

    A newbie to organics

    2 questions then I might be able to help. What is the night temp vs the day temp? And what is your current feeding schedule( line of nutes and concentration?
  6. D

    This is exactly why you do not accept clones from other people

    Same, I’m almost sure the grower gave them to my friend a few hours after he sprayed them down. Because it was all over the crop 2 days later. Pretty sure he knowingly passed off plants with PM without saying shit. And the grower works for a mid-size breeding company(seeds/clones), so i was...
  7. D

    A newbie to organics

    Ya if you are already into week six, I wouldn’t do it actually. Let them put all the energy into the nugs. If you still wanted to you could do some in the next day or two but none after that. I’ll stay tuned
  8. D

    This is exactly why you do not accept clones from other people

    Agreed! The one time I let a friend bring some clones into one of my grows, it gave the whole crop powdery mildew. Lost it all You must be able to inspect the other grow, before accepting it into yours.
  9. D

    how much light do seedlings need? (watts)

    So I am an idiot, but you have a PhD and couldn’t figure out how to make your own thread? Either that makes you the idiot, or it means you rush into things without considering the details. Either of those would explain why you are the epitome of the proverbial bull in a china shop here. Maybe...
  10. D

    A newbie to organics

    What day in the flowering are you? By the bud structure on your plants, I would guess that its a totally normal time for some bottom leaves to start yellowing.(1) they aren’t getting much light to them, because of the great growth above it and (2) your plants like to send nutrients to the growth...
  11. D

    A newbie to organics

    I defoliate half the time. But I think with organics there is really no detriment, as long as all your leaves are as green as they are. They will take plenty of fan leaves the full way through harvest. And it would give more airflow in the mid to lower branches, protecting from certain pests...
  12. D

    how much light do seedlings need? (watts)

    Nobody with any concrete knowledge and experience ever spouts off like this. Even if you do have an education( you may or may not) it doesn’t necessarily translate to practice. Also you are coming into the mechanics shop to tell them you know how to fix a car better than them, and not showing...
  13. D

    how much light do seedlings need? (watts)

    Somebody just pay the troll toll, so this guy will stop acting like a loose boysssoul.
  14. D

    A newbie to organics

    Are you going to defoliate any to get a little more air movement for late flowering? Also yes, parchment paper is also called baking paper. Even with the bug problems you mentioned, you have amazing looking plants. They are ready to blast off! Great job
  15. D

    All organic soil grow- Rainbow belts and samoas

    Budding pics @ day 33-35
  16. D

    All organic soil grow- Rainbow belts and samoas

    Hola everyone, putting some more pics up of my current grow. First pic is lights/ventilation. 2nd pic is the canopy before tying them down tonight and 3rd pic is after tie down tonight. Since I had two strains and many differnt phenos this project, the canopy just got crazy. Its not too big a...
  17. D

    All organic soil grow- Rainbow belts and samoas

    Hey gang, First I would just like to say everyone is welcome to comment on this thread. I dont have a large grow group irl to bounce ideas off of, thats one reason I just joined forum. So anybodys critique or opinion is welcome here. To the Grow! I have a few rainbow belts and a few samoas going...