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    Too late to transplant?

    dude i just repoted 4 of my white widow plants 6 weeks into flowering and within the week the definately got alot bigger, the bigger pot allowed for the plant to "breath" better!!! so ya, ull be fine transplanting now
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    Help!!! I Have Major Odor Problems!!!!

    where can you find ONA and SoilMoist?
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    Help!!! I Have Major Odor Problems!!!!

    i have 5 white widow plants now in flower and they just STINK UP MY WHOLE ROOM and you can smell em everywere!! i need help ASAP!!!! does anyone have some good ideas to get rid of the smell, i have an ionic breeze but its not doing that good of a job!!!any ideas??? please help!!!!:confused:
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    anyone look into halogens?

    Dude dont even spend your money, halogen does not give off the right spectrum, just go to home depot and buy some cheap cfl's theyll be much better!!!!+they give off heat like crazy!!! it wont even be worth your time to use it
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    Grow Box Help!!!!!

    hmmmm........a smartass anyway i just got back from home depot and bought a large peice of glass that im going to use, thanks guys, ill post pics when my project is done
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    Metal Halide, Best value?

    dont know much about MH because i use a full spectrum HPS for veg and flowering, but i just got back from Home Depot and i saw MH 400w bulbs for $28 right next to the CFL's
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    Grow Box Help!!!!!

    what do you mean "plastic so it can burn"??? and i need the clear material so i can completely close of the top of my box to keep it cool!!! i will be placing the light completely outside of the box! the box will be in my attic and i will be running an A/C vent in the box with an outlet fan...
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    Grow Box Help!!!!!

    hey im building a grow box and i was wondering, what would be the best clear material to put between my 1000w HPS and my plants!!!
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    10 Plants about to die???

    dude the reason no1 looked at your ad is because your plants are still babies you act like your in week 5 of flowring and there dying. you probably just have a heat issue keep a nice cool breeze on those things and youll be fine!!!!
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    Growing In My Attic!!!

    ok so im thinking about using a thick fabric tent and running the a/c into it with an exhaust + inlet and outlet for an air cooled hood i got an angle grinder for the a/c so it should work lol sorry a little stoned just thought it would be a good idea, you tell me
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    Growing In My Attic!!!

    thanks alot yall ill be running to homedepot today to get some ducting to re-route that ac and i am dead set on investing in an air cooled hood!!!
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    Mixing CFLs And HPS Lights

    i used 12 26w CFLs with a 1000w HPS light and i hade huge growth once i added the cfls!!!! use both and just remove the cfl's when your rdy to flower!! the cfl's will add more blue spectrum which will increase growth greatly. your bill shouldnt go up more than 20 a month and thats if you have a...
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    Growing In My Attic!!!

    access is not a problem, i have a large drop down latter to climb that is not too tall and i could easily bring watter up there. i could build a nice grow room but i just dont know how to re-route that A/C vent, what should i cut it with????
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    Growing In My Attic!!!

    ya i was up in my attic today and i was thinking something simmiliar just having a problem figuring out how im going to cut and rout the ac duct, it is a hard metal under the insulation
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    Growing In My Attic!!!

    i dont live in a climate with snow, my problem is summer heat!!!
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    Growing In My Attic!!!

    the attic is pretty big (i dont know the sq footage). i have a 1000w HPS light on 8 white widow plants. the light isnt air cooled but i should have an air cooled hood soon. no windows in the attic, just small vents on the sides. all the plants are soil!!! i think that was all your questions i...
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    Growing In My Attic!!!

    can anyone help me???
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    Growing In My Attic!!!

    i recently had the idea to grow in my attic. im currently growing in my closet but the space is too small and i cant get the right amount of ventilation! does anyone else grow in there attic??? if you do could you post some pics or give me some ideas???? i think this could be a great spot to...
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    Ionic Air Purifier - Good/Bad ?? - Help

    what about an ionic breeze quadra, should i put it in my grow closet???
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    Halogen lights

    i think your a dumbass, your just wasting money with that halogen, go out and buy some cool blue 27w CFL's and put em in there!!!! YOU CANT GROW WITH HALOGEN!!!!! CFL, MH, or HPS, thats all!!!!!