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  1. Deadmagician

    Transplanting clones from an aeroponic cloner

    Typically how long do clones take to recover from transplanting? They looked very healthy when they came out of the cloner, nice big roots and I think I transplanted them carefully enough, although they did flop quite badly for a day or so, then perked up a little after thatbut they don’t appear...
  2. Deadmagician

    Strong smell & sticky in veg.

    I’ve often heard it said that there truly isn’t any way of being able to determine a keeper, purely from attributes in the vegetative stage. I’m reaching out to experienced growers to give their take on good signs in veg that paid off. Now I know people look for different criteria too but I’m...
  3. Deadmagician

    Drying in freezing conditions.

    Just running this setup by you… I have to dry in my garage and it’s been -5 to -8C at night outside so probably slightly warmer in the garage but still sub zero. Now I’ve heard that there’s advantages to drying colder but not this cold obviously. While it will slow down mold it will also slow...
  4. Deadmagician

    Slooooooowwww growth.

    So… my veg tent is in my garage and it’s freezing at the moment, 0C to -6C outside probably no lower than about 4C in my tent as I have a light (obviously) and those lizard pad things under the fabric pots (which are shit and barely get warm if I’m honest) and a tube heater, which does provide...
  5. Deadmagician

    Do Trichomes develop/degrade faster under UVA+B lights?

    Hi! Just wondering if anyone had noticed this phenomena before. I have just recently added a supplementary UVA+B LED light to my grow, and although I was led to understand that this is only really beneficial in the latter stages of flower (if at all?) I decided to add a small amount (1 hour...
  6. Deadmagician


    I’ve just popped some new seeds in paper towels and I’ve left them a little long. a couple of them have separated from the seed (pod) and are a tap root and a set of cotyledons. I’ve planted them as I normally would if the seed was still intact. Is it okay to do this? do you think they will...
  7. Deadmagician

    I finished!

    I finished my first grow and it’s been pretty good on the whole. I’ve learned a lot to take through to my next grow, not only from the experience but the practical pointers I received on here, so thanks for that. I grew autoflowers in coco 5 gallon pots with 300w LED, bottle nutes, in a 1m2...
  8. Deadmagician

    Me again…

    Right so…. Nearly at the end of my first grow and it’s been emotional. I posted here a couple of weeks back kinda thinking I might have about 4 weeks to go. Well, I’ve got lots of fan leaves dying now and the buds over the last couple of days haven’t seemed to have fattened. One of my plants...
  9. Deadmagician

    Coming to the end of my first grow!

    Okay so…. First lot of autos are coming to an end soon and I’m reasonably happy with how it’s gone. Not sure I’m going to get as impressive a yield as I’d hoped for but the buds look okay. They look fairly dense, I hope they are anyway. So a few things… I have a feed schedule which I’ve been...
  10. Deadmagician

    How’s it looking so far?

    I posted an initial post about my first auto grow on here and got some useful feedback. I’ve implemented what I think are good practices so far but I’m just posting some photos to get feedback. My auto are about 6-7 weeks old now and have started to flower. I’m carefully introducing bloom...
  11. Deadmagician

    Seedlings HELP!!!

    First time grower. Germinated 3 Gorilla glue auto seeds, planted in 5 gallon, fabric pots (yeah I put them in their final pots, I know opinion is mixed about doing that as a noob) with coco about 10% perlite 5% vermiculite and some mycorrhizae mixed in (as per packet) around the site I...