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  1. Scuff1992

    First time grower

    Ah ok a get u thank u so much buddy for explaining when it’s your first time it’s crazy bit iam learning slowly but surely . And I will keep an aye out for changes
  2. Scuff1992

    First time grower

    Aw isit not what is the best way sorry about all the questions my first time growing and a dnt want to fuck it up lol want nice strong buds lol
  3. Scuff1992

    First time grower

    ohhh really that’s me learns something new today appreciate it so iam week 7 will I feed nutes up to week 10 and then flush for a week ??
  4. Scuff1992

    First time grower

    amazing thank you strain is critical from RQS and am at week 7 trichomes are turning milky so a thought by week 9 they would be finished but that’s just my thought lol
  5. Scuff1992

    First time grower

    Nice one mate 4-5 weeks u say thank you
  6. Scuff1992

    First time grower

    Roughly how many plz if u can
  7. Scuff1992

    First time grower

    We update how much longer could someone please help
  8. Scuff1992


    Y the sad face
  9. Scuff1992


    Lovely work mate this is all new to me just started so hopefully all have bigger bushes next time lol and iam using 250 hps u look like u have quality led lights
  10. Scuff1992


    Because This is new to me still working out what’s wot it’s easier for me to do it that way to a know what am doing lol
  11. Scuff1992


    Another we update end of week 5 .
  12. Scuff1992


    Yeah for sure I agree with you organic is the way to go . Just no one is willing to tell u what they do how they do it but I noted down what u says and definetlay going to try it next time because you are killing it
  13. Scuff1992


    Hi mate cheers for the reply wow really that simple I will have to give it a try for sure because I think this 1 is gny be shitty to be fair all take a note of what your saying for next run
  14. Scuff1992


    Oops thank you I will leave it there for future
  15. Scuff1992


    Hi mate wow lovely plant u have maybe I have done a few thing wrong with the looks of it lol lol bit first time hopefully it doesn’t turn out 2 bad lol maybe u can share some tips
  16. Scuff1992


  17. Scuff1992


    Any help is greatly appreciated more info the better lol cheers
  18. Scuff1992


    Hi the runoff water gose on to a tray then down the pan lol yeah a stick a long tray under there for runoff . How far should the light be it’s a shitty light adjustable to 660w
  19. Scuff1992


    What ya mean a new light . Not at the moment buddy budget is really tight ??
  20. Scuff1992


    All try not fuck it up trying ma best with it buddy hope all goes well