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  1. tua24262

    First Grow...PICS INCLUDED...400W HPS

    Its been a while since I have uploaded some pictures so there is a huge growth difference from my last set of pictures The plants are all getting very big and bushy... it looks like the biggest one is definitely a sativa like strain while the other ones are mixes of both but leaning towards...
  2. tua24262

    First Grow...PICS INCLUDED...400W HPS

    Its been a little while since I have updated my pics so here is some new ones please feel free to say anything whether its a remark or a criticism Our big plant's stem is getting nice and strong plus its finally starting to grow at the pace of the other plants in height The other three...
  3. tua24262

    Organic Montana Medical Grow

    just checked out your thread man and I am simply amazed.... I just started growing my first plants in a grow room with 400W HPS and after seeing your first grow its making me more and more inpatient!
  4. tua24262

    First Grow...PICS INCLUDED...400W HPS

    So the clones that we tried have not grown any roots after almost a week and we don't expect them to survive Our big plant is looking very good! Especially since we got it from a neighbor who did not take care of it... lots of the old nodes that were producing week branches and leaves are now...
  5. tua24262

    Male or female ?? - NEW pics added

    yea dude you gotta focus in on your nodes for any person to understand whats going on
  6. tua24262

    12/12 from Clone, how does she Look?

    not bad i like it
  7. tua24262

    Are these pistils?

    yea you def got a few pistils there... just look at the nodes close up, preferrably with a magnifying glass, and look for white instead of green
  8. tua24262

    First Grow...PICS INCLUDED...400W HPS

    yea it was getting a lil high so now we have the full AC exhaust going into our hut...temps got a lil lower except for yesterday since it was so bloody hot outside
  9. tua24262

    First Grow...PICS INCLUDED...400W HPS

    This is day three for the far nothing new has happened to the four clones we have, mainly, there aren't any roots that have sprouted and its been about three days
  10. tua24262

    First Grow...PICS INCLUDED...400W HPS

    So this is my roommate's first grow with a good lamp and controlled environment... here is what we got 6.5 foot tall frame with the reflector hood being held by shoestrings (sweet, right?) 400W HPS: We had a metal halide but it broke so we are working on buying a new one since we are in...
  11. tua24262

    new at this and i need some help

    yea you shouldn't have to even water your plants more than once every two days unless your plant is in bad conditions or is a beast
  12. tua24262

    First Legitimate Grow...PICS INCLUDED... 400W HPS

    Well here are some of questions/worries or whatever.... 1. Is the temp ok during the day at 85 degrees? 2. We have the hps about 4 feet away from the plants... is that ok? 3. Are these nutes sufficient for a beginner?
  13. tua24262

    First Legitimate Grow...PICS INCLUDED... 400W HPS

    anybody wanna help the newb?
  14. tua24262

    Simple yes or no will take 2 scnds.. +rep

    hey how do you guys repost an original thread?
  15. tua24262

    First Legitimate Grow...PICS INCLUDED... 400W HPS

    So this is my roommate's first grow with a good lamp and controlled environment... here is what we got 6.5 foot tall frame with the reflector hood being held by shoestrings (sweet, right?) 400W HPS: We had a metal halide but it broke so we are working on buying a new one since we are in...
  16. tua24262

    Transplanting outdoor grown plants back inside

    well we salvaged about four of these plants but did lose some of the roots in the process... these plants weren't taken care of too well but a view of them seem as though they still have potential... the heights about about 12 to 18 inches tall....not too many leaves on the bottom halves but...
  17. tua24262

    Transplanting outdoor grown plants back inside

    So me and my roommate have a nice setup inside.... We have a very enclosed lil hut the size of 6 and a half feet tall and about 3.5 wide and about 5 feet long We were able to get some plants from a neighbor that was growing a bunch of plants all in one pot outdoors...they were kinda scrappy...
  18. tua24262

    Transplanting outdoor grown plants back inside

    So me and my roommate have a nice setup inside.... We have a very enclosed lil hut the size of 6 and a half feet tall and about 3.5 wide and about 5 feet long We were able to get some plants from a neighbor that was growing a bunch of plants all in one pot outdoors...they were kinda scrappy...