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  1. medijuana88

    First Grow...Mutated Plant.....Detailed Pics

    I have a plant just like this one and i was surprised cuz i have never seen one like this before and i was gonna take pics of it and post them and i never did, it almost looks like tge Mitsubishi logo, i hope is a female and im gonna clone it ^_^
  2. medijuana88

    December 21, 2012. Doomsday?

    Its kinda amazing that u guys have a blog about 2012, i have done research about it, and i ran across many things about 2012, many people say is the end of the world but it wont be cuz the world will always be here but it could be the end of US the humans because earth has regenerated it self...
  3. medijuana88

    Can yall even understand the situation were about to face??

    Its kinda amazing that u guys have a blog about 2012, i have done research about it, and i ran across many things about 2012, many people say is the end of the world but it wont be cuz the world will always be here but it could be the end of US the humans because earth has regenerated it self...
  4. medijuana88

    Marijuana Seeds

    I made my first order of some dank seeds, i did my research cuz i was kinda worried but i found a great website or just google it and ull find great prices and great qualities of maryjuanita, i recived my order in a week and the package was really discret and i was really happy...
  5. medijuana88

    Hello from snowy Minnesota

    lol i go out wearing shorts and a white tshirt to get the mail, its cold but i kinda got use to it even tho im from mexico, but its a buzz kill sumtimes
  6. medijuana88

    New guy from cold Minnesota

    What up homebois im from Minnesota and i would like to get some adivice from friendly experience growers.
  7. medijuana88

    Stoned in Minnesota

    Yeah they have great advice here, i bought a book about growing Juanita indoors and im thinking bout sending the book back cuz it cost mr 30 bucks on n instead i can look on peoples posts and read some good adivce and by the way im from Minnesota 2 and thinking about growing soon...
  8. medijuana88

    Any One Live In Minnesota

    I live in Minnesota and im glad n not so surprise to see some Minnesota growers here.