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  1. S

    more questions on cloning

    ok.. now i should expect decent roots about 9 days after i put them in the cloner, right? what's this i keep reading about cutting the leaves on clones.. something about it makes it root faster?
  2. S

    more questions on cloning

    not flowering the clones.. the veg plants i pulled the clones from.. i'm sure taking clones stressed them a bit.. is it cool to dump them right into flower??
  3. S

    more questions on cloning

    first off, thanks to everybody for helping me get things figured out in my last thread. i have cloned 23 clones from 4 plants (6/6/6/5) of unknown sex. i am running stinkbuds cloner design with 10gal of well water (very good well, 5.5ph at any given time) and 8oz of clonex. i am starting the...
  4. S

    A Shot in the Dark

    i grew bag seeds in soilless mix that was as good or better than most of the dro sold around here..
  5. S

    cloning questions

    ok.. let me ask this question.. how tall should my clones be, ideally, before i start cloning off the mothers? for example, right now, i have a few branches with 3 nodes.. but they are very small.. if i cut them now, the clone would be 1-2".. i'm thinking 6" would be roughly the right size...
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    A Shot in the Dark

    dude. you've GOT to know a smoker in your area. tell him you're talking to some chick and want to impress her with a bag of weed.. farm the seeds out and start there...
  7. S

    cloning questions

    here's a pic of my setup thus far. i'm only running the one light because i only have 4 plants currently. @irishdoc: as you can see, my hood is about 18" above my plants. MH conversions seem to run hot as hell, so i can't put it lower because it will burn my babies. now, to make sure i...
  8. S

    cloning questions

    i will be purchasing quality genetics in the near future. as of now, probably blueberry and white rhino. right now i'm growing bag seed. i just want to make sure the operation runs smoothly before i go trying to push $100 worth of seeds through it. stinkbuds setup seems to make perfect sense...
  9. S

    cloning questions

    rockwool was just used for the seedlings... the clones in the future will go into neoprene collars and into 2" net pots, as stinkbud designed. the grow area has a 600W MH conversion in a vented hood with glass bottom centered over the grow table and clone table. the flower room has 2 600W...
  10. S

    cloning questions

    3 inches? mine are about 5", but i don't see anything but fan leaves. i'm 3 weeks from when i put the seeds into rockwool, with 3 more weeks before they are scheduled to move to flower... this is them at 4am this morning.. oh and i'm using an aeroponics setup similiar to the stinkbuds...
  11. S

    cloning questions

    i am using stinkbuds perpetual harvest method. now, i admit, i did not read all 876 pages of the thread. but i do have a cloning question perhaps someone here can help me out with. i've never cloned before, and most of the how-to's i see on youtube and whatnot show pulling clones from a large...
  12. S

    what data to i need to monitor

    ok. so i am done with my first grow. turned out 5 females out of 10 seeds which turned into decent smoke. much better than the commercial and mids going around my area. in fact, it was comparable with most of the hydro we see here. i used seeds from any commercial weed that looked mature and...
  13. S

    up to harvesting.. on some.. i think..

    so, i have 5 females of bag seed in flower.. i think 2 are ready for harvest, but i don't want to jump the gun. here's why i think they are ready. i have read enough to take it as fact that when 3/4 of the white hairs turn amber, they are ready for harvest. looking at my girls, i know 3 are...
  14. S

    how to lower humidity

    i'm running into a humidity problem as well. a dehumidifier seemed like the logical solution, but i thought i'd search these boards first for other solutions. i have a 10x12 room with a 10x6 flower area with 2 400w hooded HPS's. i have a veg area with a 400w mH i'm going to curtain off with...
  15. S

    i'm up to sexing, here's what i think i know.

    well i went through today and found 2 definate females, another that is most likely female, 5 i'm 95% sure were male, and 2 i'm not sure of.. so i pulled the ones i suspect are male, and want to clone off the healthiest female. i have a couple questions on that. 1) do i have to force it back...
  16. S

    i'm up to sexing, here's what i think i know.

    i changed to 12/12 a week or 10 days ago. they are in 5gal buckets, 1 plant per, under a 400w HPS in a sealed hood. that's when the change in branching started, so i assumed, and am pretty sure i read somewhere, that they are related... i seem to recall i should be able to sex the plants within...
  17. S

    i'm up to sexing, here's what i think i know.

    i'm trying to sex my plants. i have 10 plants. 1 i am about 90% certain is female, 1 i'm about 50% certain is male, and 8 more i don't have a clue. so, to my understanding, during the veg stage, the branches will grow off the stalk in pairs at the same height. multiple branches can grow from...
  18. S

    some advice.

    we cut the watering back to 3 days and they seem to be doing fine now. i am going to start another newbie thread because i'm at the sexing stage and i'm slightly puzzled.
  19. S

    some advice.

    i am cutting down the watering because the soil is still visably moist after a day, but i had been watering anyway. right now my light is as low as i can set it, and the plants are elevated up to it. there is still over 1' between the light and the plants. temps have been lows of mid 60's, highs...