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  1. 420bum

    best cure for insomnia?

    You could smoke a bowl of some dank couch-lock bud, or take 3 tylenol pm's, or 2 oz of Nyquil or Tussin (makes you feel kinda trippy with the dxm in it).
  2. 420bum

    what the?

    Nah, the homie has the camera tonight. I'll take pics tommorow afternoon.
  3. 420bum

    what the?

    Not so much a plant problem question, as a what in the hell question. I germed one seed, I got one plant sprout...then another...and now a third one has popped up since its last darkness period, all three are bud sprouts too. The biggest sprout is about 7 in with 5 nodes, the second largest...
  4. 420bum

    celery stick looking stem

    Excess Nutrients + Flushing = Plant Steriods? Idk, it just may be a new strain.
  5. 420bum

    2nd Attempt,

    Im about to transport into a bigger jug so I'll have to add apple peels to the soil, I just added a little bit of sand, topsoil, eggshells, and a bit of tea into the soil today. It's been in darkness all day, so I dunno how it's doing at this point. And to the other poster, haha yeah, it is a...
  6. 420bum

    2nd Attempt,

    So my first grow turned to be a male, but fortunately I had another in vegging so im taking this one out now and germing some other seeds, which are bagseed, but I think they are earlygirl seeds. The first plant was doomed to be a male, odd light hours, too much water, cold, and a bunch of...
  7. 420bum

    Ghetto First time grow, not expecting anything

    Ghetto? Try growing with a single cfl and a borrowed flourescent tube growing next to your sink... +Rep, I like how you set your grow room up. Idk if you have one already, but pick up a hydrometer/thermometer at the store for a few bucks, helps alot.
  8. 420bum

    Bud problem, they just never developed

    how much light?
  9. 420bum

    First Post, First Grow (pics and questions)

    nice, its doing better than mine and I planted like 15 days ago, what's ur light cycle on?
  10. 420bum

    Newbies! Ask Me Questions Here!

    I have a 250w flores light and six normal bulbs, incandesent I think but they are 60w 130v. I am using the bulbs as secondary light. I know there's only about enough light from my flor. Light to grow two one plants or so, if I were to grow say 4 plants very close to the flor light and turned on...
  11. 420bum

    Has anybody tried Afghan Kush?

    my homie swears by afghan kush. he says its a great mix of body and mental high, I tried it once a while back but it was mixed with blueberry and chron. Its a great bud