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  1. M

    The AeroGarden

    Can someone please tell me how i know wether my plant is male or female. I been flowering for about 1 and a half weeks now. I really need to know, so please don't tell me to go back and look at some old threads cuz i can't find it anyway. Help!
  2. M

    Flora Nova

    Is there any other way, Man
  3. M

    Flora Nova

    Great! thanks, man.
  4. M

    Flora Nova

    Should i cut off those 2 leaves or clip em at the ends? What do you think?
  5. M

    Flora Nova

    I've never switched the water out yet, and the only problem i'm having so far is a little browning at the tips of the first 2 leaves. Also how often should i give it those tabs.
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    Flora Nova

    Ok so i just switch it to flower. But how do i know if i have a male or female plant.
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    Flora Nova

    Yeah. Bad thing is i have no nutes so i'm going all natural for my first grow. Good thing is i have good seeds. I only have one plant growing in it and its the K2 strain.
  8. M

    Flora Nova

    How do i start flowering? Do i just switch the setting to flowers? I have a 2 week old plant in mine and have been reading. Also how do i know if i have a male or a female plant.
  9. M

    Aerogarden, Round 2

    Hey what's up. I got a k2 plant in mine that just spouted. It's about a inch to a inch and a half. My problem is i don't have any growing experience at all. I'm using the ag nutrients. i want to know what nutrients i really need and how much it will run me. Also can someone tell me what ph means...