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  1. growingGURL


    thank yall i have everything under control now..just got stuck for a
  2. growingGURL


    omg why do ppl have to respond to shit that doesnt concern them??!! if u arent on here to help u arent on the right website dude..nobody has time for your bs
  3. growingGURL


    as soon as i wrote this i had a brain storm..if its that cheap ill be makin $1170 or more yessssss thanks u to me! and anyone else that writes lol
  4. growingGURL


    knowing how much everything weighs and stuff..gettn an L for $ terrible at math and cant figure out the equations for how much profit ill'll be pieced out so $30 a quarter ounce....please help i need to make this money im struggling!!
  5. growingGURL

    mid grade, seeds, sticky

    so ive been smoking my mid grade weed that i grew...i thought it would be better than it turned out to be =( lol anyways..i found some seeds in it im mad as hell..i removed the male plants really quickly when i could finally tell sex. but what im asking does this bomb ass weed i smoke...
  6. growingGURL

    questions on my 1st grow

    ok plant is just about 2 feet tall..a little baby not many branches but quite a few bud sites..its in the budding stage and has lost almost every single leaf. Is this normal?? I only water it when it droops...and the biggest buds are pretty small, with almost completely red hairs except...
  7. growingGURL

    1st Grow i should still top it at about 4 or 5 nodes right? Then start the supercropping? Bending every little branch? Its making sense im just mind boggled on how that works! Lol and when do u need 2 stop bending them? At the end of the veg cycle, or till harvest? also, does this change the time...
  8. growingGURL

    1st Grow

    ok so that looks a little risky lol..this 1 guy jus did it like it as nothing..since i cant ask the ppl in the vid, do u just bend everything except the main stalk?
  9. growingGURL

    1st Grow going to youtube right now
  10. growingGURL

    1st Grow

    i want to have alot of buds..and i want them to be wider instead of taller..i mean i have room for a nice sized 1 but i dont need all that..i just want a stout little plant that has a bunch of weed on it lol
  11. growingGURL

    1st Grow

    ooh bending sounds like a good idea..ill read on that one
  12. growingGURL

    1st Grow

    im hereby a successful plant grower only lil girl (1 out of 4 plants) has finally started to get some really noticeable buds and lil crystals n cute lil baby leaves in the buds!! omg im so excited! its like my kid growing up lol..i figure i have about 3 or 4 weeks before harvest...
  13. growingGURL


    word! thanks!
  14. growingGURL


    :?So i started 4 plants and jus had to toss 3 of them :neutral: damn but what i want to know is how my 1 lil girl's buds will taste??..and since they just showed their sex, how much longer till i see some buds??!!! im ready 2 :joint: roll up lol
  15. growingGURL

    Help on Sex

    no theyre not flowering that i know of..this is my 1st do i know when theyre ready to be on 12/12?? and i jus got some seeds from a smoke sack of some good mid-grade...i have like 3 hi-grade seeds but im waiting to plant those after i get this first grow down.......
  16. growingGURL

    Help on Sex

    thanx tho yall
  17. growingGURL

    Help on Sex

    well..i just tried 2 take sum pix with a camera..i think i jus made it clear 2 myself that theyre too young to tell...
  18. growingGURL

    Help on Sex

    these are 3 diff plants if u couldnt tell...and i dont have a digital cam right now so can anyone tell jus from the way they look what sex they are?? theyre 2 mnths old and about a foot tall