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  1. number2pensel

    I think somethings wrong (pics)

    i'm adding a solution someone is making for me i'l let you know what it is before i put in and when i find out, changing to a bigger pot tonight n what now, getting rid of mg soil n putting in some organic stuff
  2. number2pensel

    I think somethings wrong (pics)

    i get gnats so i put sand over soil...
  3. number2pensel

    I think somethings wrong (pics)

    oh yea if you see the white its just a small baking soda/water mixture because i left a dead sprout in the room that had mold n the mold started to grow on mine a bit on the bigger leafs but i think its gone.
  4. number2pensel

    I think somethings wrong (pics)

    So the leaves are droopy/curling i'm not sure which one really both? it had nut burn but i started only watering it decently every 2 days n it gets 17-19 hours of sunlight a day? help, suggestions, anything would be good!
  5. number2pensel

    Yellow spot on tip of sprout

    ahh alright im gonna try that thanks
  6. number2pensel

    Yellow spot on tip of sprout

    you think if i water just once a day it will keep it from becoming too serious until i can get new soil?
  7. number2pensel

    Yellow spot on tip of sprout

    alright thanks guys
  8. number2pensel

    Yellow spot on tip of sprout

    Yea it gets water every 2-3 hours, 130watt flourescent bulb, in freaken miracle grow i know its all i could get, also inch n half os sand over soil to keep out gnats. It sits in a strainer bowl lined with foil with lgiht 3 inches directly above. /Users/andrewpensel/Desktop/securedownload.jpeg...
  9. number2pensel

    Yellow spot on tip of sprout

    My new sprout which is about a week old growing its 2nd set of leaves. The first set look ok, there is just a small yellow spot on one of the tips and im kinda worried. I had gnats kill a plant but they are long gone the sand worked awesome. I can put pictures up later. when i get...
  10. number2pensel

    New Sprout, growing very slow

    yea, stupid miracle grow soil seems to have a bad rep. I put about a half inch layer of sand and i've only seen 1 or 2 gnats the past 2 days. Killed my first indoor sprout but i have another going now, thanks
  11. number2pensel

    Gnats everywhere

    sand worked for me too..
  12. number2pensel

    New Sprout, growing very slow

    So i am on day 10 of my plant, and at first when it sprouted it came up quick but not to tall and its standing up fine. Recently it seems to be growing a much slower rate, the seed leaves are yellow n falling off i think. I also found some gnats and i am currently dealing with them, i'm just...
  13. number2pensel

    Welcome New Members!

    Whats up everyone? Started growing about a week ago in my room so i decided to join this site since i only know what iv read on internet and heard from people. I was reading a thread on miracle grow..:/ its all i have, any advice??