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  1. C

    need soem pics

    hey guys, gotta report due in like 12 hours, if ya got any cool pics that u just think are outstanding, my report is over marijuana. leave me some love. whats up with everyone btw. beaner, gettin any good outta them toolbox babies?
  2. C

    * Post how much do you smoke? per day, per week, per month whatever

    Well, it depends really. I usually just smoke a couple joints throughout the day if i'm out t home in the country alone and awaY from everything. If i'm in town probably a couple more. Although I smoke bowls mostly while in town. On weekends it ranges from anywhere from a half (at least) to...
  3. C


    ah, ok. yea, the damn bugs just munched away a couple leaves. Any clue on the strait up dead leaf? Thanks again.
  4. C

    Coffee grounds?

    Man, i heard the same thing. And I drink a lot of coffee. LIke, unusually so. 2 pots before i go to sleep ya know... will be helpful if its a natural freaking PESTICIDE
  5. C


    Ok guys, i need some help here. Dropped a few in the ground naturally as yall may know, was hopin they'd survive like all the other damn underbrush an just keep truckin along. Nope, the damn bugs are gettin to them. Please gimme some simple solutions. Are all pesticides fine, woudl i need one...
  6. C

    Newbie plowin along

    Ah, ok. Well, i found some deer shit around my plant sites, but if you say they werent a problem then i wont worry bout htem Dropped 15 in the ground tday. but im wondering, could all this be a waste? I mean, when the yget big enough, what if all of them turn out male, i'd be fucked. Hah, oh...
  7. C

    Is anyone doing this?

    Umm, either don't grow, or get into a rhythm of keeping them out of y our closet. Hell, i've had sprouts and a whole set-up in my closet for a couple months at a time, i just never let my parents into my closet to "get hangars" or whatever. All my clothes stayed on my desk. But iuno, your...
  8. C

    Please read, I need advice.

    Wow, i'm just down here with around 40 plants an im freakin out. And all of those have zero ties back to me. I'd hate to have stress of growin 500 in my basement, hell.
  9. C

    As to the matter of couches..

    Ok, i read up all of the burlap sacks and all the other ways to do it, but wouldn't a couch cushion work? I mean, the roots will crawl all throughout it, the foam is sturdy enough to hold the plant upright, and virtually a sponge. Always holds water. I just threw out an old couch an the idea...
  10. C

    Help Me Mine R Dying??

    Wow, lots of random words an whatnot, that light is enuf, just move it maybe
  11. C

    Look at this 420 Lineup

    haha, sweet. gonna have a good day huh? happy 420
  12. C

    happy 420 motherfuckers

    truly WAs? a kickass day? Wtf you talkin bout man, it's only five o clock. ive had like 7 ounces already, keep tokin all, happy 420
  13. C

    Happy 4:20 all!

    Just wantin to say happy 4:20. Mines been great. Already had about 6 ounces this fine fine mornin. Peace out all!
  14. C

    TreeTop Growing !! ( ultra stelth)!!

    The coloring of the plants would contrast would they not? Especially at fall like he said. Also, what about the infrared heat thing system thingy that the cops use to detect pot plants? Can't they just fly over, flash it, an bust you?
  15. C

    Newbie plowin along

    Ah, cool. Mmk, wait.. i had a question when i started this reply... uh..well, isn't this a predicament... O yea, what about all the leaves. Surely I can do something with all them, and the resin bubbles or whatever. I heard about resin bubbles, my plants apparently arent big enough to have them...
  16. C

    Newbie plowin along

    Ok, hopefully this gets posted on my thread, new to forums, nevah used the things much. Anyways. Read the burlap sack an whatnot, its all cool. Tryin to find burlap right now for the rest of my crop, but for the 15 i got down already lets just hope for the best, no? Now, heres another...
  17. C

    Newbie plowin along

    Ok, smalltime pothead in middle of US wantin to grow some of his own. Not wantin to be truly active in it, seein as how that'd make me stay home rather then in town. Got bout 75 bomb ass seeds that im wantin to drop. So, can I just pick out a spot, plant em, an let em be? Will that work out...