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  1. D

    Nutrient Burn

    I recently started using nutirents with my watering and deffinatly burned my plant, what should I do? Should I flush it with lots of pure water or just lay off the nutrients for my next few watering sessions?
  2. D

    Leaves Drooping

    yeah i actually just started last week with the nutes and it began to get that burn look so ill back off them for a little bit. Should I dilute it with more water too so its not so strong when I do start using it again. And as far as overwatering should I not water again until the leaves start...
  3. D

    Leaves Drooping

    All the leaves on my plant seem to be drooping and the tips of the bottom leaves are brown. The bottoms have always seemed to droop but now they all seem to do it. I have 2 6500K cfls on them with a total of 3100 lumens. Im giving it miricle grow nutes with a NPK ratio of 24-8-16. Yes I know...
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    With this light work?

    Yeah just went to the store and realized thats not going to work out so I purchased two of these...
  5. D

    With this light work?

    Allright thanks for all the help.
  6. D

    With this light work?

    Would aluminum foil work? Also what light setup should I switch to when I want to flower? Thanks.
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    With this light work?

    I was wondering if this light is good enough for veg for 1 plant...
  8. D

    Leaves Drooping Help!

    A buddy of mine just had to move to he gave me his plant. Ive got it under a light 12 hours a day and 12 hours off. The leaves are drooping downwards and the tips are starting to get brown and curl. This is my first plant any suggestions? Heres some pics below.