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  1. S

    Pandemic 2020

    Soon. Just wait. In the mean time ask yourself why the story of the black guy in a van who ran over white children and elderly got exactly 24 hours of press and never again.
  2. S

    Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

    Complete fabrication by FBI/CIA. Everytime. They try to push a nonexistent "muh white supremacy" narrative. This latest one was one of their sloppiest yet cuz they know how dumb the CNN Watching masses have become. Literally copy/paste from New Zealand shooter in his manifesto. Posted a photo of...
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    Blue Dream week 9 of Flower. Severe canoeing of top leaves. Overfeeding? Wind?

    That sounds good. Certainly couldn't hurt. Think I'll do that. Thanks!
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    Blue Dream week 9 of Flower. Severe canoeing of top leaves. Overfeeding? Wind?

    Cool thanks. I'm a noob. Only had one grow previous and it was an auto. Done with those. Appreciate the advice.
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    Blue Dream week 9 of Flower. Severe canoeing of top leaves. Overfeeding? Wind?

    So would you change the resovoir completely, or just only add phd water for a bit?
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    Blue Dream week 9 of Flower. Severe canoeing of top leaves. Overfeeding? Wind?

    BTW, any DWC growers recommend a better nute series than GH?
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    Blue Dream week 9 of Flower. Severe canoeing of top leaves. Overfeeding? Wind?

    I was gonna flush next week anyway. Guess I'll do it now. Thanks all.
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    Blue Dream week 9 of Flower. Severe canoeing of top leaves. Overfeeding? Wind?

    So this close to the end, I should probably just chop, as there is no time to correct right?
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    Blue Dream week 9 of Flower. Severe canoeing of top leaves. Overfeeding? Wind?

    I assumed that they were taking into account other nutrients still being used. Like will raise your base mix of 500ppm to 700ppm. Also I was going off a chart I found that said to use ONLY the Kool Bloom for the week before flush. That chart actually suggested nearly double what i am giving it...
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    Blue Dream week 9 of Flower. Severe canoeing of top leaves. Overfeeding? Wind?

    I've got a blue dream in week 9 of flower. DWC. Buds seemed to have stopped growing other than some possible foxtail growth out of the top of the buds. Severely canoed upper leaves. Leaves dark purple. Using GH Floratrio at about 750 ppm. PH 5.9. This week I stopped using everything except dry...