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  1. F

    misty leafs

    unfortunately, i live in malta so shipping will be impossible
  2. F

    misty leafs

    the thing is I am worried about using any pesticides since it's in flowering. I heard some people use ladybirds, will this work? or should I just use some sort of pesticides?
  3. F

    misty leafs

    4-5 week, ill check out the link. i was thinking about using Spinosad but the laws about the product where I live is confusing
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    misty leafs

    what do I need to do to get rid of them? i was gonna cut off the affected leaves and clean the area, ik spinosad was suggested but one of the plants is flowering so I don't know if I should use it
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    misty leafs

    tbh i have another plant that's near it but in a different tent and it has the same things. i was thinking of starting another grow, should I wait till this problem is cleared up?
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    misty leafs

    hahahha thats a thing? what is it?
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    misty leafs

    anyone knows what this thing on my leaf is? its just on top of the leaf, with nothing underneath
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    something on my leaf

    hi, i have newly started growing, i was growing a photoperiodic plant which I took a clown from. unfortunately, this clown is having a tough life, I potted it too early. also I overwatered it and gave it way too much nuts at the same time so it had a rough patch for 2-3 weeks. now it sorta...
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    Re-potting in flowereing

    just an update, plant is loving the new pot, it has grown massive
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    Re-potting in flowereing

    thanks guys, i am gonna change the pot
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    Re-potting in flowereing

    hi all, my plant like stunted growth for 2 weeks and now I started giving it nutrients and it has begun its flowering stage. I think the pot may need changing because it's not very big and it has been the same size for a while. would you suggest I change it? or I don't risk it. thank you in advance