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  1. C

    Need Quieter Lights

    Thanks for all the good info, guys.
  2. C

    Need Quieter Lights

    Wow, those look insane. Love it. And right, no flowering on these. Thanks.
  3. C

    Need Quieter Lights

    About 7-8 ft by 2 ft.
  4. C

    Need Quieter Lights

    Cool - thanks!
  5. C

    Need Quieter Lights

    Thanks, Manny. Any chance you could link me to a good option? Or are there any particular lights you'd recommend?
  6. C

    Need Quieter Lights

    This is actually regarding my houseplants and succulents... I'm using three of the 1000w versions of these: They're great and the plants love them, but the fans are so loud and these plants are in our...
  7. C

    Growing Succulents and Cacti Under LEDs

    OK. Maybe I'll post on a succulents/cacti forum. If the higher PPFD readings don't cause any harm, maybe I'll be ok with it as is. Maybe?
  8. C

    Growing Succulents and Cacti Under LEDs

    Also - all of these plants were pruned back pretty severely prior to our recent move. They Pachypodium was over 6 ft tall but had to chop it to fit in the car!
  9. C

    Growing Succulents and Cacti Under LEDs

    OK... The plants are on a cabinet that weighs about 8 million lbs and serves multiple purposes, so I'd rather not move it and lower the plants... What if I were to remove these lights and get a few smaller fixtures so that I could keep the plants where they are? Could you recommend something...
  10. C

    Growing Succulents and Cacti Under LEDs

    Haha - that's awesome. I've got the lights as high up as they'll go, so I may need to put the plants on a lower table or on the floor. OK, got some thinking to do! Thanks for your help!
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    Growing Succulents and Cacti Under LEDs

    Can these lights generally be put on dimmer switches? I hadn't thought of that.
  12. C

    Growing Succulents and Cacti Under LEDs

    Just downloaded and checked with Photone... I'm getting PPFD readings that are way high. Anywhere from 280 at the height of the shortest plants to 580 on the taller ones. The lights are about 24-30" above the plants. I'm using a diffuser paper around my phone's lens... Could these readings be...
  13. C

    Growing Succulents and Cacti Under LEDs

    Great info - thanks very much!
  14. C

    Growing Succulents and Cacti Under LEDs

    Thanks, LEG. The jades and Euphorbia seem to be doing well, but the Pachypodium and totem pole cactus are not growing nearly as quickly as they did in the bright window in the old apartment. Need to do a little more research!
  15. C

    Growing Succulents and Cacti Under LEDs

    So this is a non-cannabis question, but I figured you folks would have a lot of knowledge in the indoor growing department. About a year ago, I moved and brought my collection of succulents and cacti with me. Unfortunately the only space I could carve out for them in the new place was in the...