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  1. X

    What Other Drugs Do You Enjoi?

    i saw a good friend OD on pills because the guy he got if from was fucked and told him to take twice the normal amount and hes tiny one of the scaryest things ive seen watching him go through that so i stay away weed and shrooms, thats where its at
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    Great Stoner Quotes

    dude great quote me and a couple friends were eating at a chinese resaraunt while very stoned and one of them turns to me and says "if the food were alive, would it think we were giants?" we laughed our asses off for ages
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    shroom question

    dont just stare at any wall.....stare at a BRICK wall its crazy
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    10 Things I/We Want To Know About Women

    1. yes, second mirror, and someone to complain or just talk to 2. no, never anything else or you will be slapped 3. theyre creepy 4. not many do.... 5. yes, basically 6. are you good looking? 7. i never said no 8. yeah the truth 9. orgasm 10. see number 6
  5. X

    ok ladies, step up and stand out!

    that would be me first post as well heyy :blsmoke: