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  1. BongerChonger

    Prob after rechrge

    There's so much info out there and a lot of it can seem conflicting. Lots of ways to grow and lots of different products. And there's no one glove fits all so to speak. Can be difficult to find the right information, especially starting out, know how it is. Really imo, it just comes down to...
  2. BongerChonger

    Prob after rechrge

    I think there's a clear as day choice you need to make, organic grown or not? Choosing your grow method is important, because you can't grow organic the same way. Organics is great for learning to grow. There's a lot to know so to speak. Like nutrient composition of soil amendments and what...
  3. BongerChonger

    High PPF causes "nanners"?

    Throwing a study your way...I'll put it in a link, you can download the pdf. It's about quantitative sex expression in Cannabis sativa L. This topic is one I find fascinating and very interesting. So if you could, please post any relevant information or studies you find yourself, I'd really...
  4. BongerChonger

    ph, explain something?

    Given it's a measurement of the amount of hydrogen in your substrate or solution, it's still very important. For instance chronic overwatering or bad drainage and aeration can acidify your soil or substrate. And, furthermore, pH is also important for your microbes. It's war out there and we want...
  5. BongerChonger

    Hermie late in flowering?

    Regardless, I think it's pretty close. Not losing much to harvest it now. And potentially saving yourself some headache down the road. I'd give your haze all the time it needs, could be a good month, maybe longer.
  6. BongerChonger

    Hermie late in flowering?

    I'll leave the decision up to you! :mrgreen: All the best man.
  7. BongerChonger

    Hermie late in flowering?

    No worries and thanks for your time. All the best with your grow and future grows! :bigjoint:
  8. BongerChonger

    Hermie late in flowering?

    Left? Left still has few weeks to go by the looks. Right you could harvest now and get some good smoko. (I probably would, since it's the herm)
  9. BongerChonger

    Hermie late in flowering?

    Looks nice man! bongsmilie I wouldn't be so fast to blame the genetics either. The genetics might be really good. Herms just happen, they're very natural. One in a pack here or there, regular seed, no big deal.
  10. BongerChonger

    Hermie late in flowering?

    Hopefully you don't get any seeds. If you do, should only be a few. Way I see it and imoe, longer you leave the herm in the same space the higher your chance of seeds and likely more of them.
  11. BongerChonger

    Hermie late in flowering?

    Absolutely, yes! Beautiful flowers.
  12. BongerChonger

    Hermie late in flowering?

    Thought I'd drop a relevant scientific study regarding hermies and sex expression. I'll put in quotations and post what I think is relevant and leave the rest for you to read in your own time. And, if I may, keep in mind plant gender is determined by it's inflorescence (it's flowers). A...
  13. BongerChonger

    Hermie late in flowering?

    Wasn't from stress, it just is what it is. All that stuff about stress this and that, look at the plant the wrong way it herms etc, seriously forget about it! Forget about hermies, nanners, bananas, balls, stamen, anthers, or whatever you want to call them, being your fault. It's not because of...
  14. BongerChonger

    Rusting leafs?

    You sure only 96 extra ppm with nutes? That's not a lot of nutes! If that's the ppm you've been giving all along, no surprise you've got deficiency symptoms imho. It's the droop that gets me though, you might be overwatering as well. If you're watering those buckets more often than every few...
  15. BongerChonger

    What happens if a photoperiod gets root bound in veg

    In my own experience, no. You get a tall plant with little branching. If a plant's been rootbound awhile it'll be obvious.
  16. BongerChonger

    What happens if a photoperiod gets root bound in veg

    Grows taller and spindly, longer nodes, less leaves, cannibalizes lower leaves to compensate for top/new growth. Same as above. It's really only a thing in small pots. Depends very much on your substrate and grow method too. Hydroponics pot size doesn't matter nearly as much in the right...
  17. BongerChonger


    A monoecious plant isn't really female at all. Shouldn't be considered female. "Female" plants cannot reproduce on their own and are categorized as dioecious. (same as males) And far as intersex goes, all hermaphrodites are monoecious, but not all monoecious plants are hermaphrodites if that...
  18. BongerChonger

    WTF causes leaves to look like this? Fungal infection??

    Not much, just a good trickle out the pot. More if using nutes. I don't know for sure. Photos don't scream overwatering. But things like leaf loss day after water and the amount of water you're giving vs pot size do. Said it yourself, think it might be overwatering. If you think you are, then...
  19. BongerChonger

    WTF causes leaves to look like this? Fungal infection??

    Sorry, I've read through the thread, but missed the said reply, my bad. I think you're/your partner is overwatering myself. Seems more and more like it. Chronic overwatering. I recommend watering to runoff. Better ensures proper soil saturation and leaches unwanted silts or dissolved solids...
  20. BongerChonger

    WTF causes leaves to look like this? Fungal infection??

    Had you done anything just beforehand, watered, fed, anything? Usually when something happens that fast it's our own input, something we've recently done. Could be something there, succulent mix would have better drainage, generally. Describe how you've been watering. Pot should be a lot...