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  1. T

    Seedling problem

    I do have Cal-Mag. Would that help with the spots?
  2. T

    Seedling problem

    He’s mentioned something about it before but I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal so that’s my fault. Would it be too late too add the soil now or should I just transplant it some time this week? The water suggestion, does that suggestion apply for the rest of the process?
  3. T

    Seedling problem

    Thank you guys for replying
  4. T

    Seedling problem

    The soil is Happy Frog The Cup has draining holes at the bottom (7) For watering I use distilled water pH lvl 6.2. I usually water it from the bottom every 2-3 days. I wasn’t too sure about feeding yet. I do have someone with experience guiding me through the process and we’ve decided to wait...
  5. T

    Seedling problem

    This is my first time growing, idk whats going on but im panicking. The other day maybe two or three days ago I’ve noticed these orange spots on two of the leaves. Today I woke up and noticed that the spots are spreading and on the new leaves the spots are black. Please help Im also growing...