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  1. schizm240

    finding a job

    yeah.... fuck mcy ds i dont even eat that shit let alone make that garbage haha, i have over 4 yrs of manufacturing exp. i think there some kinda law about how a person cant be disseminated against if it doesn’t directly relates to the job… like I could under stand if I stold...
  2. schizm240

    havent been charged but...

    what if ur felony is related to growing mari XD lol can they use that as a resume
  3. schizm240

    Does Staples Drug Test?

    if ur looking for a job.... go in clean..... and becarful of some of the detoxic stufff on the market.... they'lll make ur pee show up as "diluted" some places consider that as good as failing some places are more forgiving and let u take anther pee pee test
  4. schizm240

    finding a job

    recently i was arrrested for manufaturing thc and (runing a drug house)<---not true...... anyways.... there both felonys...... can an employer hold that agenst u for a job? im not yet convected..... hopfully the charges dont stick but if they do....
  5. schizm240

    past 1st piss test failed 2nd didnt smoke

    damn 2 times a week thats seems extrem..... i only hav to pee when i gotta go to court.....but i passed my first....but they thouth i watered it down some how because the specific grav. was all off..... but that was from this detoxic shit i got... whatca faceing....... like...
  6. schizm240

    New coco user??Help

    for less maitance u can mix the coco peit. with coco husk..... the coco peit. holds a lot of water..... the husk adds air and it apart real good... they sell it at garden stores for basket making there in sheets that r pressed togethor......its like 5 for like 2 ft........ u more...
  7. schizm240

    us cultivation laws

    the web might be wrong because it said that 1-5 from where i lived was a mista. but nope........ you'll get charged with two felony's....... even if ur first time afender........ fucked up system....... the government will fuck ur life up worst then the drug itself will...a pollablle six yrs is...
  8. schizm240


    i got hert at work...... and they gave me a drug test....... and i fail.... no shit huh..... but the thing is there policy is they fire u if fail....... i read that in wis. u can get 15% less for wrkmens comp...for a failed drug test but i cant find anything on unemployment....... would that...
  9. schizm240

    Broke rule # 1, now what?

    fuck it dude better safe then sorry......... i'm faceing 9 yrs.... lost my job.... and down and out as can be..... no plant it is worth the fuck penatlys the gorv. puts on it.....
  10. schizm240

    about the green flys ..... put some fly tape up.... and clean up.... mine where from the chems...

    about the green flys ..... put some fly tape up.... and clean up.... mine where from the chems. from advanc nut..... but my advice is not to grow... the govr will fuck u .....
  11. schizm240

    Bad News

    how do they know it was for "marijuana"..... just cuz u guy has some grow lights... and what not.... doesnt mean shit... an over zellus news reporter.... trying to make a name for him self....
  12. schizm240

    Sick plants need help!

    addd bat pooo (gawnno)... to the new dirt to :P
  13. schizm240

    Sick plants need help!

    is there 2 plants in one bucket? what have u added... for fert so far.......trans plant them into a 6gallon bucket.... one a bucket...with fresh dirt... they could be root bond.... maybe try to run some fresh water through it.... a few gallons to try to flash any salt build up in the soil before...
  14. schizm240

    video games.....

    mod! ur wiii VERY EASY!!! woot i did hahahah its the shit...dont even have to take it apart..... to bad the wii is LAIM!
  15. schizm240

    Watering with Watermelon Water

    isnt watermelon juices... alittle might drop the ph ...a little....and it might bring bugs :/ ... idk....tho....try to add some to a hydro system!
  16. schizm240

    video games.....

    are u on ps3??? :fire: i got alll the maps tooo!!!! woot woot i got up to level 23 on the new zombies!
  17. schizm240

    video games.....

    hell yeah c.o.d world at war!!!!! ps3!!! psn name! schizm240 lets start a RIU clan XD
  18. schizm240

    picking a location!

    how can u tell if the soil... is good or bad???? just check the ph???? anything else? and if it's bad.... do u digg a deep hole.... and fill it with that fox farm dirt?
  19. schizm240

    picking a location!

    so i was woundering... how u go about picking ur location..... like a grassy feild.... the edge of the woods.... or the middle of the woods..maybe a swappy place thats hard for people to walk???? > what would u do this yr to propair for next.... like spray for bugs.... or.... put some...
  20. schizm240

    Harvest Has FINALLY Come....**PICS**

    WOWOWOW CRAZY!!!! isnt it early to harvest i thought.... u where suppost to harv. in the end of sept/oct.... i want to try outdoors out next yr!!! any advise?!