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  1. PineAppleXpress

    Who hates their roommate?

    So i used to live with this's my piece I rolled up a fat dubbie for me and a buddy of mine that was there and my room-mate. Now i guess my room-mate was having a crap day, because he was trying to take it out on every one else....he was a moody little pair of clown shoes. So you...
  2. PineAppleXpress

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    Well the Vancouver Olympics are coming in just 2 weeks. You will see it all over the media broadcast's, but my city build a 4 block by 8 block, state of the art, athlete's village. Anyways about a year ago i was working with a masonry contract and after hours i went to the tallest roof. Smoked a...
  3. PineAppleXpress

    SciFi / Fantasy Readers?

    I am reading 'Watchmen' right now. Great graphic novel to sit and get baked with. Im pretty sure im gonna get chewed out though....cuz thats a comic book hahaha
  4. PineAppleXpress

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    No sweat man, glad you got something from it. Hook up some reputation though :-o Also don't sweat being the virgin. This hobby of ours is a learning experience every time. But you have to be smart, and humble, and anal, as well as patient. Those who rush into this and do not take the...
  5. PineAppleXpress

    The Illuminati are Rulers Good story vid must watch!

    Nice a 2 year bump that doesn't happen to often. Hey that geocities link has since vanished into oblivion. It piqued my curiosity though, what did it say? Cuz i want to believe pac is alive, that would ROCK! Also is there any new information on the Illuminati ? is there anything concrete? on...
  6. PineAppleXpress

    MY girlfriend pisses me off...

    I think Dirty Harry had the best advice. As well as putting it in perspective. Next time you make note of these things she does that "piss you off" , just imagine the scenario being flipped and how she would react. I use this technique myself and it is so eye opening sometimes when you imagine...
  7. PineAppleXpress

    How to sneak into Canada

    HAHAHA Classic! Fuck thats funny But...kinda sad, cuz that is my city, And its incredible. But the bad side of town just makes you want to = :spew: Anyways If your still trying to get up here i would hike a trail. There are loads of trails and shit people are using, i read in the paper a little...
  8. PineAppleXpress

    Obama - your racism is showing.

    I heard Obama is in the Illuminati.....what do ya'll think?
  9. PineAppleXpress

    Name of whatever you smoke out of.

    It broke merely because it was name-less. This is a way for a glass piece to commit suicide if it has been placed the burden of being a bastard child with no name I'm borderline superstitious but i think a piece must have a name ASAP
  10. PineAppleXpress

    If you like what i write, show me some props and hook up some good reputation. Its all instant...

    If you like what i write, show me some props and hook up some good reputation. Its all instant Karma !P
  11. PineAppleXpress

    Vocabulary of growing terms/slang

    Vegetative growth is the initial stage of a young plant's life. In this stage the plant uses chlorophyll as well as sun-light and nutrients to grow larger. Mainly taller though. But this stage builds a strong foundation for the bud that will grow soon. This stage is survived by the plants...
  12. PineAppleXpress

    Best Food When High

    ...i said apple crumble pie....i don't think the cows are involved on that one. :clap: You have smoked yourself retarded Il side with you though on the McDonald's i am being a hypocrite as occasionally have a whopper from the king or a big mac from the M.'s just that every time i do now...
  13. PineAppleXpress

    Best Food When High

    Shameless plug. haha you work there or something? Would'nt that be dope? To have some form of sponsorship with a place with good munchies. Just drop there name, then get high and head over there for free eats!
  14. PineAppleXpress

    Name of whatever you smoke out of.

    This guy is named the Green from trailer park boys. Thick glass and usually hangs out in my freezer edit: Weird it is so green with no blue to the eye. But with the flash it always looks more blue in pictures
  15. PineAppleXpress

    Obama - your racism is showing.

    Well said CrackerJax could not agree with you more, or say it in my own words as well. Now how does this all relate on a racial level?
  16. PineAppleXpress

    Best Food When High

    i keep buying this apple crumble pie for like 10 bucks at the cosco. Thing is HUGE! that and ice cream
  17. PineAppleXpress

    I want to grow the Chronic in PANAMA.....YEAH!

    Haha get a little greenhouse dome on a nice mountain on mars. I bet that that high would be out of this world haha that was corny In all seriousness though... Panama is fucking beautiful. highly recommended
  18. PineAppleXpress

    Where's everone from?

    Vancouver city British columbia, Canada. West west represent Coast life 4 life ya' heard
  19. PineAppleXpress

    I want to grow the Chronic in PANAMA.....YEAH!

    Hahaha True enuff huh? Yeah good advice everyone . I wasn't even thinking about selling the stuff... haha i had only thought out how rad it would be to grow outside there. Haha i do grow cheese weed on the moon
  20. PineAppleXpress

    Best Food When High

    Thats fucking gross dude...have you seen fast food nation? Every time you eat a burger imagine that there are probably more than a dozen cows combined inside it...more than likely from different plants. to create the companys strict policy of fat content the recipe is mixed with a different...