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  1. M

    Plant condition

    Also look this twisted leaves,is it from fast growth of the root,wind burn or...?.This time i m not sure if it is by light cause the other plant doesnt have.Also no pests.
  2. M

    Plant condition

    Back again . After 2 days on 400-450ppfd from 350 direct not gradually. Look these yellow tips .It doesnt seem through the photo so good...
  3. M

    Plant condition

    I ve the zeus 600w 2.9 at 4x4 tent.i m at 50% at around 80cm distance.I ve spot on par meter.Now i m around 330-350 ppfd.I ll be back with better full photos later at night
  4. M

    Plant condition

    I ll post more photos and more details later. I mean that every time i m trying to catch these optimal ppfds numbers i get into troubles.Maybe my inexperience confusing about a lot of light. Last grow i end my flower at 350ppfd max...and thats not good .
  5. M

    Plant condition

    I m struggling to reach the optimal ppfds 400-600ppfd lvl in veg and etc.So thats why i m afraid of light burned and i m looking for early stage light stress. Thank you overall mate.
  6. M

    Plant condition

  7. M

    Plant condition

    Yes i add once a small dosage of nitrogen ealier in the grow.Maybe thats why,also i blast them early at seedling stage with over 400ppfd. I ve faced many problems and i try to fix them. So this close leaves are not from light stress eh?
  8. M

    Plant condition

    Hello,as new grower i try to avoid mess as much as i can.I noticed this (photo below).The new growth set of leaves are closed.Is it early light stress or heat/humidity high/low? Thank you!
  9. M

    Light height from plant

    Hello guys.I want to ask the same thing or better which method do you use to introduce and train them with more light. These numbers that there are around dont work for me (refer to ppfd numbers at all stages).I ve led grow light zeus 600w pro 2.9 and par meter .I ve 2 plants 1.5 month old and...