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  1. T

    First grow... some issues

    Ok thanks! Yep had been spraying them with Neem in flower until last week when someone mentioned the same thing - doh! Been using Purecrop1 since - I'll grab some Citric. Thanks dude.
  2. T

    First grow... some issues

    Thanks for the advice, appreciate it. I'll get an AC w/dehumidifier in there asap. PH has been between 5.9-6.2 the whole run. As for the PPM should I be flushing these guys stat??
  3. T

    First grow... some issues

    Thanks for the help! Yep they both have spider mites, but I've been spraying with Neem & PureCrop1 every day or two which seems to keep them at bay mostly... I live in a fairly hot and humid environment and my temps and RH can run from 22-29c / 45-70%rh but usually around 27c & 55%. PH has been...
  4. T

    First grow... some issues

    Hey guys, thanks for the amazing resource! I'm hoping someone maybe able to help diagnose what's going wrong with my first indoor grow. It's not looking good and As per the pictures below - the Ghost OG is on the left, and White Widow on the right. The widow has been really finicky the whole...