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  1. Frizzlecat

    How Much is Your Weed?

    Yeah, that's what I thought. Over a couple of years, I had around 5 dealers. I'd ask each of them "how much will you do an ounce for?", and they just come back, most of the time, saying "well, it's £20 for an 1/8, so it's £160 for an ounce." I reckon there was so much demand, so many people they...
  2. Frizzlecat

    How Much is Your Weed?

    Not that anyone's particularly interested in prices outside North America, but for a comparison, I use to pay £20 an 1/8 in Edinburgh, Scotland. That's 29.28 of your mighty American dollars. Dealers didn't really do "deals" for higher amounts. An ounce was simply 8 times the cost of an eigth...
  3. Frizzlecat

    my best plant ive ever tried to grow..and now shes starting to wrry me

    That's pretty interesting stuff, TeaTreeOil. So Mylar is aluminium foil, but with a plastic coating on it to prevent it from creasing, I guess. I suppose taking a flat surface and carefully gluing or taping aluminium kitchen foil to it, so it's perfectly flat, would have exactly the same...
  4. Frizzlecat

    my best plant ive ever tried to grow..and now shes starting to wrry me

    Yes, that Aluminium dips much higher up the spectrum now. But did I interpret the graph correctly, earlier, for the most part?
  5. Frizzlecat

    my best plant ive ever tried to grow..and now shes starting to wrry me

    Interesting. Not sure if I fully understand that graph, however. As far as I can tell Ag is Silver, Au is Gold, and Al is Aluminium, with the near-horizontal red line at the top being Mylar, and the near-vertical blue line being ESR (Enhanced Specular Reflector film, whatever that is). So...
  6. Frizzlecat

    my best plant ive ever tried to grow..and now shes starting to wrry me

    Just goes to show that everyone has different ideas about what is right and wrong in the world of marijuana growing. Take every piece of advice with a pinch of salt, and try not to put all your eggs in one basket. Look at many sources before coming to a conclusion on something, S3Xi*420*GURL...
  7. Frizzlecat

    Hullo, Hullo

    Thank you, blzbob!
  8. Frizzlecat

    my best plant ive ever tried to grow..and now shes starting to wrry me

    Hey S3Xi*420*GURL. I can't help you with all the problems you mentioned, but for some I can provide some input. Is your aluminium foil shiny side out? If so, that is quite wrong. Shiny aluminium foil causes hot spots on the plants because the light bounces of at concentrated points, not to...
  9. Frizzlecat

    Hullo, Hullo

    Thank you Chiceh :) You're avatar is scary, yet cute :P
  10. Frizzlecat

    Hullo, Hullo

    ty ty, Twistyman
  11. Frizzlecat

    Hullo, Hullo

    Just saying hello to everyone. Hello! Hope RollItUp turns about to be as good as my last forum haunt (the server was taken down :sad: Damn politics, always with the politics):wall: Anyway, talk to you laters. Byyyeeee!