Search results

  1. beebud

    Jack Herer seed availability (Sannies or Sensi)

    Sent cash to Sannies a couple weeks ago for his Jack Herer. Now their website is down. Really Really want JH but it appears the two best sources are out. The Sensi line is expensive, but even so it comes up out of stock when trying to purchase. Can anyone help a guy out here? The Sannies I...
  2. beebud

    New strains & tolerance

    Well we just went legit here in the Midwest. Went to the dispo picked up my selected herbs. Got home and Crap LOL! I know it's been 10 years but holy cow. Always was a discreet solo toker, take the edge off, get some "relief". Maybe a bowl in the evening. Sure, there were plenty of oh crap...
  3. beebud

    AC Infinity kit w/69 & HLG 300 ?

    Ok, apologies up front for asking stuff that's likely already posted. I am ready to get my first indoor setup and want to get it right. So far, based on reading, it's looking like: AC Infinity tent (3x3) AC fans & filter AC 69 HLG 300 light I want to make sure of a couple things though, Ability...
  4. beebud

    pond sludge?

    We drained a small pond to rebuild the dam and scraped up the bottom muck that was in it. Got to thinking this should be super rich. There were lots of bluegill in there along with turtles. It was healthy water in that respect, no ag runoff. Etc. So was wondering if anyone on here has used...