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  1. stonerdiva

    is it wrong to be a proud white male

    just think of it like this... id rather be white and be called white girl then ever be any other race because i am PROUD to be white.
  2. stonerdiva

    got the munchies?

    have some free jack in the box curly fries :lol: yummy
  3. stonerdiva

    How Much is an Ounce of Bud in your Area

    its pretty expensive.. anywhere from $350-$600 but its definately the best of the best. i have also noticed indica strains cost more then sativas which i think is odd because i would much rather smoke a sativa strain...blah blah blah haha i love california :leaf:
  4. stonerdiva

    Michael Phelps Bong Pics

    if michael phelps just was like i smoke weed all day everyday and look how amazing i am.... kinda like that nick swardson video but not just a dream :) instead of apologizing or whatever
  5. stonerdiva

    Marijuana Oil?

    Ok so im making lip balm and im using a crook pot to infuse the thc into the oil but im having some problems... 1. how much weed with how much oil 2. how long 3. what temperture which is pretty much the whole process lol any pointers?