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  1. K

    small buds worth the effort

    A few weeks was from end of July to now so about 6 1/2 weeks
  2. K

    small buds worth the effort

    This is a few weeks ago when I was going to trash them. You can see they took off. I dont have just before chop
  3. K

    small buds worth the effort

    I had two plants that went into a vegetative state and grew to 6 feet with no buds after 3 months. I was ready to trash them but they suddenly decided to produce buds and in just a couple of weeks were looking good. after a few more weeks the buds grew and the trichomes said its time but the...
  4. K

    small buds worth the effort

    on the lower branches there are smaller buds, are they worth the effort or just discard them ?
  5. K

    Autoflower keeps growing no buds

    Thanks for the info, these seeds were from theseedfair leftover from last year. everything else i planted this year was from royalqueenseeds with great results. Consider myself still a newbie as this is the 3rd season for me and the only time Ive experienced this and still alot I dont know
  6. K

    Autoflower keeps growing no buds

    i have 2 outdoor plants that are Panama red autoflower which have been growing for over two months now and are over 6 feet tall and no buds, just keep growing. I grew this same strain last year and at a little over 3 feet and 8 weeks had buds growing. Is this indicative of a plant thats not...
  7. K

    Mystery plant

    Thank u!
  8. K

    Mystery plant

    I believe this is one of my autoflowers but am unsure as the marker stake disappeared. Does it appear to have any male characteristics?
  9. K

    Male Plant?

    Is it possible to tell a male plant sooner than later? I have this one plant thats out growing all the others and think maybe… but wonder if there is any telltale signs on a new plant