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  1. OregonHomeGrown

    The Big 40

    i got a trim reaper for sale for 900 bucks in oregon and will ship to medical only states
  2. OregonHomeGrown

    well i grew the elephant bud outside and got 13 lbs off 6 plants so i am sure you can get 2 lbs inside off oracle thats all im looking for i have a 22'x23 foot room with 12 1000 watt hps lights 6800 cubic feet if you wanna know total volume i have room for 10 foot plants and have grown them...
  3. OregonHomeGrown

    i just picked up the oracle and the upstate and the euphoria unlimted all half price and am very happy with them bcseeds also gave me 30 free galaxy seeds and 15 ak 47 seeds now i know i paid around 2200 but i dont have a problems paying that much when i get quality genetics almost all the same...
  4. OregonHomeGrown

    09 outdoor grow first grow

    i chopped her down and i belive i got around 2 lbs happy with this and will have pics soon from the harvest
  5. OregonHomeGrown

    galaxy and lumatek 1000watt digital ballasts

    i just got 12 lumateks 1000 and they were dimmable and they did not work together kept flipping breakers got 12 magnetic ballasts and they worked great and lumatek did not refung money just got cheaper new ballast lost almpost 2000 would be careful about buying them
  6. OregonHomeGrown

    09 outdoor grow first grow

    oh yea this year has ben great i am only 70 miles to the coast and i get rain all the time its green around here......i want to move to cali just dont know a good area for medical ...i know california goes by doctor and county ....oregon has a great medical program just no dispinsorys so i have...
  7. OregonHomeGrown

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    i need one good camera and have be able to pick up audio and video and have it download
  8. OregonHomeGrown

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    getting to the spy hole and getting 2 cameras and some other things that will keep them away also i have a 140 db siren that i will be setting up
  9. OregonHomeGrown

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    next year i will be taking september off for sure and i may just not even turn my phone on.....i guess i may take a trip to costco ..also hodge are the game cameras a good idea or are they to big to hide....anyone fill me in on where or what brand to look for
  10. OregonHomeGrown

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    well i got some stuff to try and help but the camera system you have how much and where did you get it or what company makes it i need to have one download and at least 2 cameras.....please help
  11. OregonHomeGrown

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    bad news for my hodge ....this morning woke up fed my babies and headed to work girl had to leave for her sisters driver test and gone for only 2 hours i come home at 3 abouot 2 hours after my girl got home and went out to check my babies and had to huge stalks torn off so now i have...
  12. OregonHomeGrown

    09 outdoor grow first grow

    start using that micro around october 1st and the weather rocks yes this will be a harvest october year for sure best year in 6 years for us
  13. OregonHomeGrown

    09 outdoor grow first grow

    i planted in late may as clones....didnt want huge plants since i need privacy.....
  14. OregonHomeGrown

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    i have traps all over with fishing line get it its just an easy way to catch them tripping and setting the alarm off....and the camera i have works great...hodge you need to hire a gaurd at night so u can get you rest
  15. OregonHomeGrown

    super early finisher week 4 PICS

    this plant is now about finished at 6 weeks and its super big
  16. OregonHomeGrown

    09 outdoor grow first grow

    well i guess i messed up spraying my plants cause it made all my beautiful white hairs curl and turn orange over night ...hope this isnt a big mistake ...and i sprayed azamax and it helped alot with the pillars only finding one or 2 a day instead of not sure how much more i have to...
  17. OregonHomeGrown

    09 outdoor grow first grow

    that green house cost me 28 bucks to build ....budget greenhouse style works super good
  18. OregonHomeGrown

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    pics 9 and 10 look really good :mrgreen:
  19. OregonHomeGrown

    09 outdoor grow first grow

    huh sounds kinda like a stupid question
  20. OregonHomeGrown

    My 09 Monster Attempt

    hodge i sprayed aza max should i spray bt or will that work