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  1. S

    Clones and Adult plant problems

    im using a fert, 5-0-3... also i apply seaweed every 2 weeks and also neems oils every 2 weeks.
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    Clones and Adult plant problems

    The first five pictures are from clones rooted about 20 days ago. The ph lvl is 6.5 they are under t12 and cfl's. The yellow might be from nitrogen def, but the bright green spots i dont know what it is. Also in the third picture you can see how the leaves are all shrinking and curling...
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    Lower Fan Leaves yellowing and falling off!?!

    how are your plants doing?.. i have the same problem, but i want to think it is just because the plant knows she doesn't need those leaves... let me know how they are doing!
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    Electric cost to run an aeroponics system

    My plan was to get 3 different reservoirs so that means there are gonna be 3 pumps. One for cloning, one for veg and one for flower. The ones for cloning and veg i was planning on putting under a 200w, and the one for flowering under another 200w. Thanks for the quick reply!
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    Electric cost to run an aeroponics system

    Just wanted to ask you guys how much you get charged monthly in your electric bill for running the whole aeroponics system with the lightings included. Just wanna know an average number does not have to be the exact amount. I know it all depends on where you live, but this is a question for...
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    Thanks umeric!, yes that is pretty much what i want to do but adding the clay pellets in the net pots and a bubbler for when the roots get to the water level. I guess i could use a plastic bag to cover the pump?. and yes pipedream im still trying to figure out how i will flush them!, will my...
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    beautifull morris, helped me a lot here, im new to this stuff thanks!... I will be building my own aero system so it would be a DIY then. I was reading about how you can turn off your pump and put an aquarium rock to make bubbles when the roots have grown to a substancial size. My question is...
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    im gonna ask you to do not post if you are not going to help, you waste my time and also yours, thanks
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    hi every \body, sorry to make this post but after reading all the guides and fag, i just got more confused, might be the weed lol... I want to know what is the concept of DYC Aeroponic system, how it works, etc. I know that DWC aeroponics is bubble aero, maybe im wrong and please correct me if...
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    Plant problems

    first i thought it was nute burn also, but the browning on the tips are just on a few leaves, besides i just feed them once a week!... I will definitly leave it there for a week and flush it to see if it improves. Thanks man!
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    Urgent sick plant

    please see this post, i just noticed i posted it on the wrong section(was high), ITS URGENT! thanks
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    Plant problems

    Plant B This is what i could call my second grow, it is 1 month old, on the same soil as Plant A, and with a 5.0 ph. Im doing a LST in order to grow it as a bush, it seems pretty healthy besides the leaf that i show on the pic, and a couple others with some brown/gray color on the tips. I'm not...
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    Plant problems

    ok, i have this problem and is my 1st group. Im using Fabard organic soil. I water my plants every 3-4 days. Feed them once a week. The Plant on the right side is 3 months old. Lets call it plant A. The plant on the left is 1 month old and is plant B. Plant A (pictures below) This plant is...
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    problems... again....

    should i cut the damaged leaves???
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    problems... again....

    bump pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease
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    problems... again....

    also should i cut the damaged leaves?
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    Burnt leaves? PLEASE HELP ME!

    dont use miracle grow next time, it just causes problems, killed all my babies on my first grow and changed it to some organic soil. Did you forget to water them or caused any root damage when u transplanted them?... try some foliar watering and dont feed them, maybe that could revive them, but...
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    problems... again....

    its def a bad grow enviroment lol... 5 plants died on my after 3 weeks of veg and this is the only one alive... its a white satin, now im growing one satori on the side, its got like a week but i see it growing very slow its only got the second set of leaves. I dont really know what I'm doing...
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    problems... again....

    I'm using fafard organic soil 70% and 30% perlite. and the light bleaching diagnosis i got from here; This picture is what light bleaching/ light burn looks like. Only way to fix this is to Move the lights away from the plant! Or make sure you dont go over 75 watts a sq foot, or your plant...
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    problems... again....

    any super doctor that can help me cure this plz?