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  1. B

    Opinions on my grow

    Thanks for the advice. They started off really well but I guess fell apart during late summer/early autumn when it started to get really hot. They did have a bit of leaf burn a bit later on. Did try to remedy it with some N fertiliser/adjust the pH slightly but may have been too late. Next time...
  2. B

    Opinions on my grow

    Heat stress maybe. It's been fairly hot here but has gotten a fair bit colder out of nowhere. This is how they looked only about a month ago and 3 months ago before it got too hot (2nd photo is when I had 3 plants but 2 ended up being male)
  3. B

    Opinions on my grow

    Sorry I imagine there are quite a few posts like this but was hoping to get some thoughts on my first grow Been about 3 months since flowering started so they're pretty close to harvest now. I was a bit worried at first when the pistils were starting to brown and I could barely see any...