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  1. Crispy420withall


    hello is it???
  2. Crispy420withall


    is it ok to transplant while its budding????:confused:
  3. Crispy420withall

    hey lampshade ...... is it ok to transplant while its budding??? cause it dosent seem to be...

    hey lampshade ...... is it ok to transplant while its budding??? cause it dosent seem to be growing any more????
  4. Crispy420withall

    is it ok to trim back fan leafs while its budding????

    is it ok to trim back fan leafs while its budding????
  5. Crispy420withall

    Pistol Color Vs. Trichomes!

    ok i'd say straight water..... ya 7-8 weeks for the hybread's one ? is this the darkest you have seen the trichomes
  6. Crispy420withall

    Pistol Color Vs. Trichomes!

    the best thing i could say is go to .................. also how long has it been flowering for (estament)
  7. Crispy420withall

    Concerned about height of the plants?

    also you shold check out WEEDFARMER.COM
  8. Crispy420withall

    Concerned about height of the plants?

    those lights mh/hps should be bout 8in away from the plants so not to brun them
  9. Crispy420withall

    Concerned about height of the plants?

    i would say to use mh/hps depending on how many planrt s you have for the watt's
  10. Crispy420withall

    Concerned about height of the plants?

    plants can never get to tall .....but becare ful about streaching tall and wirey plants cant sastaine them selfs i've done it
  11. Crispy420withall

    Concerned about height of the plants?

    tie them up....or bend them back straight it wont kill them to bend them a little i bend my plants back straight and then rotate them for the light been doing it for mo. on my plants :)
  12. Crispy420withall

    Boiling The Roots Before Chopping The Buds?

    no man its the cureing that actavaties the thc prosscess .................... so if the thc is in the roots why dont you smoke that .....:!:
  13. Crispy420withall

    close up shots of urkle

    if thats urkle then the ppl out here are shit heads
  14. Crispy420withall

    oxycontin street prices?

    its both 50 cents to 1$ a milly depends on who you know
  15. Crispy420withall

    When do you start counting?

    i'd say bout 6-8 weeks. ......when you see the pistels is when it starting to flower and once you start to see some develoment in bud groth................ go to and type in when to harvest
  16. Crispy420withall

    selling to people you know.. by the gram. how much would you charge

    15-20 u.s dollars 15 if you know him be for the grow 20 for everyone else idk what WW is but 90 an 8th come on
  17. Crispy420withall

    My plants not growin any bud!!!!??

    mmmmm good i dea man true magiver
  18. Crispy420withall

    My plants not growin any bud!!!!??

    cant do that i live in apartments trust if i could i wood