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  1. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    You know, it's really hard to tell. I can see some similarities in your first pic, but I haven't grown many strains, so I can't say for sure. My best advice would be to wait until harvest, and cure it properly, then judge how it smells. Both my SLH harvests have had a sweet and lemony smell...
  2. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Nice to hear from you man. I harvested my second grow, and got about 7oz again, but this time split through 3 plants. This is almost definitely due to me not topping them, and also giving them much less time to veg. The super lemon hazes this time had a slightly different odour (still lemony)...
  3. Chipp

    2xSLH, 1x Thai Super Skunk, CFLs everywhere!

    Just an update for anyone curious - after harvest and cure, the 3 plants yielded 6.34 ounces total - the thai super skunk yielded noticeably less (1.3 ounces or so) than the other two plants.
  4. Chipp

    Tri-Tipped Cola!

    Check out the pictures below. They are from 3 month old Thai Super Skunk (by G13 Labs). It's one of the larger colas on the plant. Has anyone seen anything like this before?
  5. Chipp

    Tri-Tipped Cola!

    This is a (not main, but still large) cola on a 3-month old plant of mine... It's Thai Super Skunk by G13 Labs (back when the attitude was giving these seeds out for free). Check out the pictures, since I don't really have much else to say about it! Has anyone else had this sort of growth in...
  6. Chipp

    Alright man - off to a bad start... I'd like to keep on good terms with everyone here, since...

    Alright man - off to a bad start... I'd like to keep on good terms with everyone here, since it's a great place. Sorry to have offended, and thanks for the initial compliment. So what have you been growing? And, do you have any constructive criticism for my grow? I definitely am still learning!
  7. Chipp

    Cool man, let's get our back up over a simple question. "Nah, I don't think so" would have also...

    Cool man, let's get our back up over a simple question. "Nah, I don't think so" would have also worked. Chill out next time.
  8. Chipp

    2xSLH, 1x Thai Super Skunk, CFLs everywhere!

    After success with my previous (and very overanalyzed) Super Lemon Haze grow (in my sig), I decided to continue with 3-4 smaller, less babied plants. They were given only 2-3 weeks of veg time. I've got CFLs everywhere in this box - here are some pictures... The macro shots are of the Thai...
  9. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    The SLH is delivering well - I love it! Through the Volcano it does actually have a lemon taste (on certain temperature settings). Also, yeah I have 2x SLH, 1x Thai Super Skunk going... These plants are much smaller since they only vegged for 3 weeks tops. They should still produce some decent...
  10. Chipp

    Hey grafik, from what you see, I'd consider checking the pH of the water you are adding, and...

    Hey grafik, from what you see, I'd consider checking the pH of the water you are adding, and the pH of the runoff. Keep themin the 5.9 - 6.6 region... (higher for soil though, so like 6.5). Anyways, if the pH is correct, then I'd want to make sure that i wasn't under or overwatering. Those...
  11. Chipp

    Do I know you in real life? Might seem random but a few things add up to me thinking I might...

    Do I know you in real life? Might seem random but a few things add up to me thinking I might. PM me or leave a visitor message. Might all just be coincidence!
  12. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    My SLH didn't seem to be too sensitive to over/under feeding. Then again, I used organic nutrients (plus a small amount of chemical supplement, but never that much), and organic nutrients are more forgiving when it comes to dosage. The smell? Well, I never used any odour filters. I used to run...
  13. Chipp

    Fire away man. I'll try my best. If it relates at all to my journal, take a peek there first!

    Fire away man. I'll try my best. If it relates at all to my journal, take a peek there first!
  14. Chipp

    I am disappointed in Rollitup

    I hear this as well from other users and sites. Rollitup became my main resource and community sort of because it was first hit in google and had all the info I needed. I guess its a shame if this is really how the site is run, but I think I might continue to use it since it seems there are...
  15. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Thanks for the compliments! In response, - Good call on getting more CFLs... Your SLH is so big it will definitely appreciate it! -In terms of height, I honestly don't remember an exact figure (it might be in this thread somewhere). A few inches under 3 feet I think. Since you've already...
  16. Chipp

    1 x Super Lemon Haze {CFL}{Soil}{Indoor}{5gal}

    Thanks for the response. Let's see... 1. CO2 - I used that CO2 contraption only once or twice. We had a small tube that we poked holes into, and we made a ring around the bottom of the pot so the CO2 was kind of being leaked in constant amount from below the plant. Does it work? Well, I can't...
  17. Chipp

    Do Vegetative plants have a strong smell?

    Depends how many plants you have going and their size. They generally smell less potent than flowering though, just to varying degrees.
  18. Chipp

    Pumpkin bong contest!!

    Looks like there weren't many people submitting pumpkin bongs! Hopefully some people get festive and make one today / tonight...
  19. Chipp

    Pumpkin bong contest!!

    Here's my entry... Took about 2 hours to make, and it smokes awesome. We had to use a lot of hot glue, but it works 100% now. Name:Ichabod Crane Features: -GEAR Bowl (w/ carbon filter) -Jack Skellington carving - Cannabis Leaf Carb (hole on back) -Dual Hose - Two 1.5 foot hoses -4x electric...
  20. Chipp

    Pumpkin bong contest!!

    I've got all my materials now for construction tomorrow night. Jack skellington carving for the face, two black hoses from either side, and some rigid plastic as inserts. It shouldn't take more than an hour to make (I hope)!