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  1. S

    Are these babies ready yet?

    That was damn insightful and truthfully that's why I cut the plant down cause it looked ready and felt ready to me. It was 9 1/2 weeks in and looking great. As for the drying process there is where my question comes in, can the plants really be done drying and ready to be cured in 3 days of...
  2. S

    Are these babies ready yet?

    LOL funny, it was definitely there, just not sure why it's drying so quick...
  3. S

    Are these babies ready yet?

    i did cut them and they were fine checked with the scope about 50/50 amber/cloudy i cut all fan leaves and trimmer inner leaves as well, hung them up to dry, then less then 48 hours later they were getting crispy on the outside so they are drying real quick, not sure why i ahve a humidifier and...
  4. S

    HELP!!! Drying Problem

    This quickly?
  5. S

    HELP!!! Drying Problem

    Ok so I have 3 plants harvested and drying in a closet with humidifier and heat controlled. Temp is 71 and Humidity is 50%, all the buds are hanging from clotheslines. I trimmed the fan leaves and inner leaves off the plants and they are all hanging by them big stems. So far it has been 48...
  6. S

    Are these babies ready yet?

    thanks, but i would love a more definite answer
  7. S

    Are these babies ready yet?

    how much longer should that take?
  8. S

    Are these babies ready yet?

    9 1/2 Weeks into Flowering, Strawberry Cough Plants. Stats say its a 60 day flower, but the top colas look like they have cloudiness but not much amber and the bottoms still look kinda clear, pics attached, lmk what you think? How much longer etc...?
  9. S

    5 1/2 Weeks Old How are these guys looking, any tips?

    5 1/2 Week Old Strawberry Cough, should grow till about 10 Weeks, last week had some Nitro Deficiencies, so I boosted the nutes, I think they are looking pretty good but may have some problems, pics attached let me know, current cycle is: Nutes and Water 1000 PPM, Water and Molasses and Veg...
  10. S

    hey you around?

    hey you around?
  11. S

    3 New Plants in Flowering New Pics, little yellowing need help!!!

    Would you suggest I add 1/2 and 1/2 veg and flower nutes now and then see if the yellowing stops and proceed as such, do it again if continues to yellow and then continue as normal?
  12. S

    3 New Plants in Flowering New Pics, little yellowing need help!!!

    anybody else care to comment, how much should I add, I just watered them last night so should I put in 1400 PPM and just a little bit of the solution since they are already watered?
  13. S

    3 New Plants in Flowering New Pics, little yellowing need help!!!

    Check out the pics attached, not sure if you can see clearly but you should be able to see some of the yellowing leaves, any idea, over nute, under nute? Have been under a 600 watt HPS, they get Water and Nutes, Water and Molasses and Water, then back through same cycle. I do this continually...
  14. S

    Do you think these are ready to harvest?

    thanks man, i won't be misting the buds, or the flowering plants
  15. S

    Do you think these are ready to harvest?

    temp stays around 80 and they are in the garage so fresh air comes in and goes out of the room and there is pvc letting air in and out, ph i usually have 6-6.5 and should i spray them when the lights are off or on?
  16. S

    Do you think these are ready to harvest?

    ok molasses used 1tsp/gallon I believe that is the perfect amount i am using a 600 watt hps the big flowering ones have been going for just shy of 9 weeks, everything in the area is strawberry cough the big big plant is only 5-6 inches away from the light i can't do anything there is no room...
  17. S

    Do you think these are ready to harvest?

    The big one is over 4 feet tall...
  18. S

    Can you please help diagnose these (Pics attached)

    Can no one help me out here anymore?
  19. S

    Can you please help diagnose these (Pics attached)

    Here are the latest pics attached, lmk if you think things are improving compared to the original pics, first three are new plants in flowering last ones are current two plants at 8 1/2 weeks, any thing I should be concerned with or should do?