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  1. L

    Need Advice, Room mates growing

    Update... Room mates have expanded the grow to about 24 indoor plants and 4 outdoor. I did not get my card. With them adding more and more, and more people finding out about the grow (id estimate 50-60+ people know) I dont feel safe. Last chance before I move out, is there any hope that I...
  2. L

    Need Advice, Room mates growing

    Thanks for the input. These three guys are my Friends. They wouldnt throw me under the bus. If we (they) got in trouble, and somehow I was linked, they would say it was all theirs. I still am going to live here, and get my medical card of my own just to be safe. One of the kids has his...
  3. L

    Need Advice, Room mates growing

    I still would rather not get my card. I mean its their thing. There doing it in their room. Or do I really have to?
  4. L

    Need Advice, Room mates growing

    "but if your gonna be smoking from that weed then don't be such a pansy, get yourself a card, pay for the electricity, pay part of the tent costs, pay part of the hydro/soil costs, basically share the costs and you'll share the benefits. " Absolutely. Except my main concern is I just dont...
  5. L

    Need Advice, Room mates growing

    Hi all. A little background first. I am in college in California, living with 3 people. They all have their cards, one of which is a "cultivator". However, I do not have my card. They are going to grow 6-10 plants total in our house. I am against this 100%. Reasons are not necessary to...
  6. L

    I'll never be able to grow :'(

    How do you grow outside if you must 12/12 to on a regular basis to flower a plant after its veg for 4 weeks or so. Does the sun have a timer somewhere that I have missed?
  7. L

    I'll never be able to grow :'(

    Short story: I'm 18 living at home for last year of H.S. Headed to college next year for 5 years playing a sport. So im 5 years out at LEAST from my own place. It just fustrates me because I know I would be able to do it successfully as well :(. *sigh* Anyone else had to wait this long?
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    any ideas?
  9. L


    I bought my first bong.. and the bowl is 9mm which is unusual and they didnt sell any bowels for that size... Anyone know a LEGIT good site i can buy a 9mm bowl(s) at?
  10. L

    Question (newbie toker here)

    so right when i light i gotta inhale slow.. keep my finger on the carb like usual, keep sucking slow... take the flame off... keep sucking in slow... then release my finger on the carb and shotgun the rest in?
  11. L

    Question (newbie toker here)

    Im a very very average toker.. Well not average in today's society. So i like smoke 1-2 times a month whenever i come across some. I have a pipe and thats all i have ever smoked out of besides a pop can my first time in 7th grade and joints/blunts... Im smoking out of my friends bong later...
  12. L

    What the fuck is this......?

    Ah i gotcha... So if i choose to put water in it as well, it will catch the ash (regardless of water) and provide a double-filtration for the smoke?
  13. L

    What the fuck is this......?

    Sorry to steal a thread here but I have a quik question. Whats the difference between an a regular bong with water.. and one with an ash catcher... is the ash catcher where you put the water, so the bong is dry?
  14. L

    What's your fav movie(s) of all time ?

    Man on Fire... best movie ever.
  15. L

    What makes a bong good?

    So should i get a slider or rush hole? Rush hole is just like a carb on a regular pipe right?
  16. L

    What makes a bong good?

    Im headed to the smoke shop to buy a pipe and a bong. I never smoke out of bongs because there not the easiest to carry around and i dont smoke at home lol. So i really know nothing about them. What should i be looking for and how much should i be spending? And also, for cleaning your...
  17. L

    Protein shake

    creatine is only good if u lift constantly.. You MUST drink a lot of water while using it. Its not needed. Eat protein, eat healthy, get sleep, cardio and muscular endurance and strength and ur fine. Go at your own pace or get a trainer to fuck u up every day lol. Regardless if you make a plan...
  18. L

    Did YOU Get High Your First Time?

    i was drunk as fuck when i smoked my first time like sophmore year. So i didnt feel high. I really cant say, as Ive never smoked now drunk. But yea.. i didnt get high. Actually awful experience with a popcan too.... Terrible first time. I thought of my 2nd time as my first time and i got baked.
  19. L

    Losing weight with cocaine

    If your coming online, to ask if doing cocaine is a good idea youll never lose weight. You already have no hope. Im sorry. Start with walking your dog in the mornings, then jog. Then hit up a gym and start working out. Remember you can be in shape/strong, and still weigh a lot. If your...
  20. L

    Grow videos?

    I've watched both of the jose cervantes, and omg i loved them. Any others?